So, made it up Rt. 95, but got too tired to drive around 3 pm, so took a parking lot nap, then continued on, arriving at the cabin around 5 am. Turned on the power, made the beds, and crashed out until noon. So excited to be there...beautiful weather (although the amounts of rain recently raised a bumper crop of fierce mosquitos that bit the heck out of us the entire time).
here's a pic of the cabin living room wall, filled with skiing, hanggliding, and beer paraphenalia and other odds and ends
We headed into town to buy food and supplies. Got the essentials, like Fluff, red hot dogs, Moxie, and lobsters.
would you look at this Moxie nonsense? They changed the logo!! heresy!
Went swimmin' down the river hole near the house, then made dinner and watched "Valkyrie." (a bit slower than I would have liked, fell asleep b4 the end of the movie so I admit that didn't really see the ending). The next day, got up, made breakfast, and headed out to see "Coos Canyon", a neat rock formation near Andover, ME.
It is really high and offers great cliff-jumping (we didn't, this time!), and you can see neat rock striations in the surrounding rock.
Headed back, and went swimming again in the river near the house (which was a lot colder, but good for chilling out beer!) Later, cleaned up and went to Sunday River Brewery, where we used the "family" mugs to drink copious amounts of alcohol
Then, we went to sleep. The next day, went to town to do some shopping (bonnema pottery, internet cafe, etc), then visited an old friend of mine and met her gorgeous children, and hung out alongside a lake, chatting. I took a nap upon return, and was awakened by a proposing kingfox!
(Here's kingfox, showing me proudly that he even was wearing the same lucky boxers that he had on on the day that we happened to meet:
After that, we were so excited that we hiked up Step Falls to burn off some energy, and got a little pic crazy...
Step Falls, such a beautiful place...
some sunlight on water
we swam and splashed around, then came back home to shower and go out for dinner at my fave local pub, The Jolly Drayman (excellent!) here's a pic of what's got to be my last fish and chips
pic that kingfox took of my log entry (everyone who stays in the cabin adds to the log, a record since the 70s)
kingfox, writing in the log, and holding up his blackberry to get reception and deal with some of the congratulatory message flow
then, we were off...said goodbye to the cabin and to the local neighbors, and began driving back. stopped off for lunch in Worcester, where we spent some time chatting with kikibird and catching up on life
here are her two pets, Deacon and Pacman, having a moment
Well, that's about it. I'm sure kingfox will tell the proposal story in more detail if you ask him...All I can say is that I am proud and happy to have such a loving, intelligent, sensitive, and funny man that I love to spend time with by my side, and hope that we will remain that way forever.
Oh, and here's a shot of the ring: