Thought 1
Well, I was pretty much glued to the TV for the Heroes season finale. Everything I could have hoped for and enough questions generated to bring me back for next season. Though it does bug me that I realize what they're going to do just before it happens.
When Peter was getting closer and closer to going nuclear, claire had the gun on him. My brain went *click* and I said out loud, "think of nathan". Meaning for Peter to fly high into the sky and detonate away from everyone. I think I missed the tidbit that pete can only access one power at a time. but then Nathan swooped in. "ah".
Volume I of Heroes hits the stores August 28th. You better believe I'm picking it up!
thought 2
I found out yesterday that my grandma skelton and aunt will be in town this thurs/fri due to work that needs to be done on my grandma's mini-cooper. Apparently, Tacoma is the only place this work can be done (they live in missoula). So Sonja will finally meet her last great-grandma. For some reason, I'm nervous about this. I don't know if its I'm worried about her liking/approving of Sonja...which the rational side of my brain smacks the other, "wtf?". Maybe it's that I'm the firstborn of her firstborn. The grandkid all others were compared to.
I remember going out with two of my oldest cousins, one is 4 yrs younger than me, the other is about 8 yrs. like I said, I was the only offspring for awhile. Had two aunts and an uncle, plus grandparents to dote on me. anyways, while I was talking with the oldest cousin, we were sharing tales of screw-ups, stupid mistakes, etc, and he looked at me and said, "yeah, but you're Robby. As far as anyone is concerned, you can do no wrong. you're perfect." He said it quietly, with no sarcasm, maybe a little bit of jealousy, and he meant it. I tried to blow it off and tell him I was anything but perfect, but on some level it alarmed me.
(pause in typing for twenty minutes as rob's mind goes on a nostalgic trip to montana)
gods, I am still so screwed up in the head. no matter how many times I've tried to purge it from my heart/mind, there is still a part of me that is trapped 18 yrs ago.
thought 3
what are folks doing this weekend? Friday is the 30th anniversary of Star Wars on the silver screen. Definitely planning on sitting down and watching it this weekend. everyone is invited to join me. I have the evenings off. I have Memorial day off. Sonja is with my folks from Friday until Monday this weekend. Maybe a roadtrip to PDX after I get off work on Sunday, pick up sonja on monday evening on the way home... if you want to get together, let me know. I think I need to see some familiar faces.