right..all these quizes on myspace are pretty shitty
this shit will n jord did to liven up this shitty myspace thing all about faggy little shitty questions, hears the real deal. add more questions
1. NAME- Jed.
2. nick name? Jwed.
3. are you a cunt? Aye.
4. why are ya doin this? 'Cause 'tiz a cheezer.
5. wot ya listening to? Scary Kids Scaring Kids.
6. do you like youself or do you wanna sit in the corner n slit yer wrists? Heavy want to slit ma wrists right now.
7. whos the shittest person you've ever shagged, tell truth??? Yer maw.
8. how many bevies does it take ya to get wangeyed? Quite allot aye.
9. if u wer wang eyed would you pull yer dog?? Aye obvously, lolz.
10. what would ya do if some fat ugly towny lass was passed out on pavement? Geez a gobble.
11. if ya saw a blind emo tryin to cross the road would ya push him or help him across road?? Push him.
12. if you met the guy that invented the fringe wot would you do?? IDK.
13. favourite
fashioncore insult- Yer maw.
emo insult- Yer maw.
cig brand- Mayfair lol.
person you hate- L..
things to buy from pound shop- Batteries.
sex- Yer maw.
band- Le Tigre.
14. how do ya dance at shows (or are ya to emo n elite for that)? Like a gimp.
15. do you like 'metalcore'? Naw.
16. if a emo kindly asked you for a cig would you-
a) give em a slap
b) tell em to get a face job
c) run
d) other..
17. where do ya think the ugly cunt goths come from, they obviously dont have parents that ugly so where!? A tree.
18.wat'd ya do if some inbred mosher cunt came up ta ya an barfed on ya shoes? Make him lick it off.
19.wot do you think to the pope dying? Lol, Gutted.
20. if some massive guy in prison told ya to bend n get soap whilst givin ya a wink, wat'd ya do!? Unless it was yer maw, Naw.
That was quite shite.