Apr 25, 2004 16:48
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
I stole that from Scott ^
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Comments 6
2.) Describe yourself in three words.
3.) Who do you admire most?
2) Trustworthy, dependable, silly:P
3) Famous person: Johnny Depp... great actor
Nonfamous person(s): My parents
2)Will you be sad at graduation?
3)Are we going to have fun at prom DESPITE some people that are planning on going?
2) I will be sad in the sense that I wont be able to go to high school ever again... Will I be sad becuz I will miss people? No... Why? Becuz anyone who I would miss I plan on still hanging out with after graduation.... that includes you:P
3) HELL YEA WE WILL! I have a plan to PISS HER off and BOY will it be funny!... I'm sorry that I can't sit with you and Seth. I have been planning on sitting with Tonie, Julie, and Kim since forever. But I am DEFINATLY going to hang out with you guys, no matter HOW much Seth gets on my nerves ;) lol j/k
1) If you could have one thing in the entire world, what would it be?
2) What would you do with a million dollars?
3) Whats your dream after high school?
2) Buy a nice house and about 20 nice cars :D
3) To have a career I am truly happy with and enjoy... If I get stuck with a career I hate, I'll be pissed... :P
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