6.09 running commentary

Nov 21, 2010 22:47

 I wrote as I watched and huh, I don't have much to say. I didn't break anything laughing and didn't squee much either.

Patrick looks a lot like Tom Cruise many many moons ago.
Eh, I’d never do that. Hate walking through corn fields, the leaves make tiny cuts on the skin. Sucks.

Well, that never happened to Tom Cruise… Oh, wait. Actually, might explain a lot.
What, nothing happens to the girl? Mmmm, potential flirting material for the boys, y/y?

Ah, X files. Of course they’d go there eventually. Nice homage :)

I like other people explaining things instead of Sam laying out the case, it’s different. Also, dude playing cop? Nice voice.

AHAHAH, didn’t expect surprise!Dean just then.
LOL Sam. No, blood sugar thing does not begin to cover it.

Dean=Cricket LOL. To be fair, he has been called worse.

I’m having a good time going “oh, now he seems like Mulder, and now he is acting like Scully”

On a shallow note: the cabinet at Mr. Brennan’s shop? LOVE IT.
Jared’s pretty >>>>>>>>>>> cabinets

Lol at Dean. It’s not Sam being fine that he is worried about, it is everyone else.
Meeting Sam Winchester these days is a traumatizing experience.
… now that I think about it, it always sorta was. Oh, Sammy!

DO NOT GO YOUR SEPARATE WAYS DURING AN INVESTIGATION. 6 years, haven’t learned a thing yet.

LMAO Sam! It’s like he’s watching a movie about Dean being abducted. No stress at all.

Now, if I were an alien, I’d abduct Dean (DUH!) but also the Impala.
Cool ride is even cooler than UFO.

LOL, area 51, fandom version.
BWAHAHAHAHAH Sam adjusts real quick.
LOL, time for some life changing decisions, no good UFO hunter, huh. *imagines Sam 2.0 as marriage counselor*

Of course she’d like to help. Who wouldn’t?
Flirty Sam… should be a bit disturbing but is fact just really, really HOT.

Dean Winchester: too good for Hell, too good for Mars.

“Grabby incandescent douchebags” = upset. Sam, youse getting better at this.

Sam, get your hand off of Dean!!!! >:(

Dean is OOC, Sam is OOC. It’s like watching a whole other show.

Dean microwaved Tinkerbell.
This is when whatever doubt anyone has that Edlund wrote it disappears. Up there with suicidal Teddy bear. Oh yeah.
I like fairie lady. She’s far too helpful to be good.

… Ok, so does being abducted by aliens/fairies/whatever completely change the way you are?
WTH Dean? What’s happening to you?

SAM!!!! Priorities! First get Dean out of jail, then fight fairies, then bang hippie chicks. Come on!

Excuse me? That book he just could never in 2 months get his hands on? Little cream and that’s it? Uh, ok. Whaaaaaaaatever.

What? Again? You guys… are big! and strong! and (usually) armed! How are you always getting your asses kicked? HOW?

Lol, smart Sam is smart. On occasion.

Conversation by the side of the road, with the Impala and beer? *sobs*
I dread this more than any MotW they come up with.

Ah, yes, rewinding that whole scene again, pretty was too distracting…
Lies, lies, lies. Why do you persist with these? Why do I expect anything more?
Thing to take away from this scene: is Sam wearing new jeans?

I dunno. I feel like there is no Sam, no Dean and no plot.
Reverting to shallow and just watching for the looks :(

review, boys i adore, i *heart* show, spn eps

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