Jul 07, 2009 00:38
Poll Johnny's Entertainment Campaign
Hi guys,
We're now gathering comments regarding a campaign which we had in mind for some time already. That is..
"Identify Yourself As A Johnny's Entertainment Fan!" Campaign
We would like to custom-make silicon wristbands which everyone can wear and is supposed to be inert (meaning safe and usually insensitive to skin) so that we fans can identify our fellowmates when we're out there shopping for our favourite idol.
It will have the phrase "Johnny's Entertainment" on it and the estimated cost for each band is SG$5 (or cheaper with bigger order).
Please do give comments as well. Thanks!
Comment 1: Why not specific groups? Why Johnny's Entertainment?
Reply: Well, at first I thought of only making for NEWS fans, and I even thought of how I could combine all 6 representative colours in a band. But in order to make a customised order, I need at least 50 orders. If I can't find 50 people to join me, I can really store those bands and keep them as back ups~ So instead of making specific names, it will be a little easier if I just put a general phrase, "Johnny's Entertainment". I don't think "Johnny's Jimusho" sounds nice and usually we claim ourselves as JE fans anyway, not JJ fan, isn't it? But of course if the demand is big, and we can really manage to get at least 50 orders for each group, definitely it will be a possible project to make bands for individual groups, and just put "JE" as the secondary phrase. (maoling)
For standardization. (gurei_renja)
Comment 2: Why not other things, why a silicon band? (by maoling)
Reply: Because a t-shirt costs too much in making, and I want something that is wearable at anytime almost anywhere and easy to identify and easy to see. So basically, a silicon band will be suitable.
Comment 3: Why do we want to identify ourselves? (by maoling)
Reply: Well, I thought of this idea because at times I felt too lonely shopping around Kino and all. And when I saw someone there, I need to get close to listen to what they were talking about before I got the message "so there are some other fans too~". I'm not asking you to approach these people who wears this band, but it's just like a fellowship thing and when you see someone wearing something similar as you, you get a feeling that you're not the only JE fan or something. *laughs* And if that person saw you too, probably just a smile will do? Like some acknowledgement, "Hey, I'm a JE fan too~". (maoling)