(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 23:05

1. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what
would you most regret not having told someone? Nothing really, I usually tell people exactly what I am thinking.

2. If a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis but cause a fatal reaction in 1
percent of those who took it, would you want it to be released to the public? No, medicine shouldn't be released until it is down to 1 in 100,000 or less.

3. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a
30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? I'd much prefer the body, because in most cases your mind doesn't get old nearly as fast as your body.

4. If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do
so? No, because I would want it to be their choice, not mine. I'd rather my child be happy than me be happy.

5. If you knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would you do? (you can't stop
it) I'd make an effort to see all my friends for one last time.

6. Would you accept twenty years of extrodinary happiness and fulfillment if it meant you had
to die at the end of the period? Probably, but I'm not too sure.

7. If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would
you go through with the marriage or back out of it? I would go through with it.

8. Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed, and will die in a month. They beg you to
give them poison so they that they can die. Would you? What if it was your father? Now where are my castor beans.... Umm, yeah, I'd probably give them the poison as long as I was sure there was no chance of recovery.

9. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as your dinner guest? as a close
friend? as a lover? That's a tough one. I really don't know...

10. What is the worst psychological torture you can imagine suffering? (it cannot involve any
physical harm to you) Probably losing someone who is very close to me.

11. You and a person you love deeply are placed in separate rooms with a button next to each of you. You know that you will both be killed unless one of you presses the button before 60 minutes pass; furthermore, the first to press the button will save the other person, but will immediately be killed. What do you think you would do? I'd push the button. Better to sacrifice myself than someone else.

12. Would you be willing to go to a slaughter house and kill a cow? Do you eat meat? No, I wouldn't kill a cow. And I don't eat red meat.

13. For $20,000 would you go for 3 months without washing, brushing your teeth, and using
deodorant? Assume you could not explain your reasons to anyone, and there would be no
long-term effect on your career. (you are not choosing one, you would have to go without all
three) I doubt I'd do it. I mean, essentially put life on hold and be disgusting to myself for three months, or just work for three months and make $20,000. Tough choice.

14. Which of these restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently or
never leaving the state in which you now live? Leaving the country permanently would be an easy choice as long as I get to choose where I go. Not leaving the state would be a very last resort.

15. If you could choose the sex and physical appearance of your soon-to-be-born child, would
you do it? Yeah, most likely.

16. Would you be willing to decrease your life expectancy by 5 years if you could become
extremely attractive? Attractive is a relative word. Everyone is attractive to someone, so no, I wouldn't change my appearance and shorten my life.

17. If your friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly tell you what they really think of
you, would you want them to? Yes, I always ask them to but I don't think many of them ever tell me the whole truth.

18. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the
woods and left to rot? No... I would be dead. I don't care what you do with my body when I die.

19. Would you like to know the precise date of your death? Probably not, because then I would end up dwelling on it and never living my life. Try reading A Prayer for Owen Meany and you'll understand.

20. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it would induce
someone to provide for 1,000 starving children in Indonesia? Of course, I don't watch much TV anyway, and if it would save 1000 people to stop watching it I'd do it right now.


1. Which country do you want to go to the most that you have NEVER been to before? New Zealand.
2. Which is the oddest country (excluding the above as an option) you want to visit? Tuvalu... yeah.
3. Which country do you have NO interest in visiting? Japan.
4. Name the top 10 places or monument-types you want to see before you die? Let's see... Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Mammoth Cave, Peruvian rain forest, Iguassu falls, Hawaii, Aruba, Easter Island, Stonehenge, and Las Vegas.
5. Name the best country you've been to? Well, I've only been to one, and it's so far down on the list I can't even call it "the best".
6. If you had to pick one country to live in, which would it be? Probably New Zealand.
7. What is your idea of the ultimate vacation? Nothing to do, no worries, just great weather outside, while I stay inside in a dark room and talk to people on AIM.
8. Do you want to speak any other languages? If so, which one(s)? I'd like to speak Spanish, just so I can stay in the majority here in the USA :(
9. Besides the state you live in, which is your favorite US state? Ummmmmm...... well..... hmmmmm...... Hawaii. As long as someone would give me a house...
10. Give a brief description of the best trip you've ever been on? I took a day trip to Panama City once, that was fun. I didn't get in the water or anything, I just stayed on the beach and thought about things. Yes, that's probably the best trip I've ever been on.

Early today I had to go to Wallace to ask some questions. After going all around, I got at least partial help. Apparently it takes up to seven days for the COMPASS test scores to go through their system. So the test I took yesterday wasn't showing up at all, which was preventing me from registering for English. So admissions told me to go see a counselor and they could manually verify my scores and override the system, so at least now I'm registered for English. Also in Records I tried to find out why my transfer credit wasn't showing up in the system. Well, the lady at admissions went to look for my record and couldn't find it... It turns out Dr. Barnes still had my record and had never entered the courses into the computer. Once again, it's a problem because I'm not able to register for some other courses due to prerequisites. Dr. Barnes didn't look too happy to see me, but she said she would enter it as quickly as possible. Some parts of Wallace are so slow it's almost unbelievable. How could it possibly take seven days for a score to go from one computer to another?? I hate school.

Today an electrician came over to check all our lights and stuff. He replaced the light kit on two of the fans, and suggested we take another light fixture to a repair shop and get them to repair it. He also found out what was wrong with the forbidden outlet of mystery with a little of my help. He went to every other outlet he could think of to try to find out where the problem was. After going to every nearby outlet, I went into the attic to try to find the wire and find out where it was actually going. Well, I followed the wire to an air conditioning duct, but I lost it there and could not find it after minutes of searching. But in the end, that was good enough because we found out one of the light switches actually controls that outlet... Some previous electrician had made a bit of a mistake when he installed it and reversed the polarity. So when the switch was off, the outlet was charged incorrectly. He fixed that little problem and now the outlet works like it should :D Plus as a bonus we now figured out what another light switch goes to! We've been here what, eight months, and we still don't know what all the light switches control.

Tomorrow I have to take my car back to the dealer so they can finish cleaning it up and repairing some minor paint chips. I'm also a bit concerned about the fuel system. I seem to either be losing gas or burning way too much, though it could be due to improperly inflated tires, so I'm going to ask if they will inflate the tires to the correct pressure, but chances are they won't do it since it wasn't part of the contract and I'll be stuck doing it myself. I'm going to drop the car off around 10 and then go to Wallace yet again to try to get some more stuff sorted out. Should be a fun Thursday.
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