Announcer: Next, on an all new episode of Cobs.
[Ponyville. Applejack stands proudly by a big tarp-covered wagon.]
Applejack: I tell all y'alls, this here is fixin' to be some of the best sweet corn you ever tasted.
[Applejack pulls the tarp off. Everypony reacts in horror to the ghastly sight of an entire wagon full of corn cobs.]
Rarity: This corn... looks like it's been.... EATEN!
[She screams. Cut to a navy blue pony dressed in colorful boots with the yellow letters "PBI" on his flank and a small brown pony wearing an elaborate necklace and sporting a corn-cob cutie mark.]
Boots: I'm special agent Silly Boots of the Pony Bureau of Investigation. This is my colleague, Cobs, from the Forensic Kollyvology department at the Celestonian Institute.
Pinkie Pie: Why do they call you Silly Boots?
Cobs (pedagogically): Well, as you can see, his boots are very silly.
[Close on Boots's boots, which are stripey and emblazoned with the word "Cocky".]
Pinkie Pie (putting her nose right up to them to investigate): You're right! Those are silly boots! Wow, Twilight, Doctor Cobs is even smarter than you, I bet!
Cobs: That's true. I am an exeptionally intelligent pony.
[Twilight fumes.]
Cobs: However, I wish you wouldn't call me "Cobs".
[And then, to noone in particular:]
[The lab in Canterlot. Dr. Cobs, her mane tied back now, addresses Hodgins, a manticore, and Wendell, a gryphon.]
Hodgins: Black fly larvae on the corn cobs indicate that the corn was shucked and stripped at least two days ago.
Wendell (holding a corn cob under a magnifier): Look at this. See this distinctive six-sided pattern to the cobs?
Cobs (peering intently at the magnifier): You're right.
[Angela, a white Pegasus Pony, wanders in.]
Angela: What's that mean?
Cobs (looking up from the magnifier: It means the corn was cut off the cob before it was eaten.
Angela: But corn on the cob is delicious! Who would have done such a horrible thing?
[Cut to the library in Ponyville. Spike is standing near a cooking pot.]
Spike: Hey, Twilight! I made your favorite! Creamed Corn!
[Thunderous, ominous music sting.]
Announcer: Tonight, after Housecall.
(ed.: not really.)