
Feb 28, 2005 03:26

To play I never, Put an (x) in front of the things that you have NEVER done before and a (_) on the things that you have done at least once. When your done, add an "I NEVER" of your own and pass it on. REPOST AS A BULLETIN- DO NOT REPLY TO SENDER ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

wavemaster February 28 2005, 07:10:23 UTC
and why are we not replying to sender?


jeffstidstone February 28 2005, 09:56:36 UTC
i don't know. i didn't even see that part. i just copied and pasted from a friend. Please, reply to me (again).


wavemaster February 28 2005, 10:08:19 UTC
(_) been drunk ( ... )


nicko85 February 28 2005, 10:38:42 UTC
(x) been drunk ( ... )


nicko85 February 28 2005, 08:55:42 UTC
oooh, such dirty info to find out about a new friend =)


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