The entire family has tickets and we will be going to California at the end of April for this awesome third, the second for the rest of the crew. for the curious....
yeah, that's definately possible...we'll be on a fairly tight schedule...You could meet us at firedrums but you'd have to get your own tickets and all...another option is that we are intending to set aside two two hour windows in which we will meet anyone who can meet us at a local restaurant (we are thinking somewhere within a mile of least for anything we choose in Oregon...if it's down in the bay area we will have to look at our path carefully to see where and when we will be coming through...suggestions about a good place to meet off a major highway that will take us to where we are going (Cutter's Camp) are welcome.
I'm both excited and super stressed, with research projects, blogs and tons of other school stuff to do..... Still, it will be great! Keep reminding me to NOT take on any more!! thanks, wife
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