In the amusing happenings department, I got the letter from the government yesterday stating I would receive my stimulus check by May 16th. I open the mailbox today, and voila, $300 for my pocket. Who says the governemnt is slow! :P
Until next time, McCain has started showing his liberal roots again...
PS: Read the article here...
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May 11, 2008 04:27
...and no, I'm not talking about McDonalds characters. Did I mention I love John McCain? He makes many valid points about our buddy Obama, many of which are flamethrowing derogatory comments about Obama and Hamas/Iran/Hezabollah/Kim Jong-il. The sad part is that besides being the least qualified to run our country of the remaining candidates, Obama
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May 10, 2008 04:05
but necessarily a bad thing. I have failed at more things than I can count, but at least I attempted these things. Of course this is not the subject of this column, I just thought i'd give a little motivational spiel before lambasting people with as much venom as possible. (Oh, right, the ditorial department told me this was supposed to be an
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May 09, 2008 01:21
I hate retarded people. (Not people who are unable to understand something due to an inability to think in that manner, but people who supposedly have common sense and are able to think in a fashion that allows worthy discussion.) This is why I'm going to come out with a petition to ban people from speaking about politics or anything else without a
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May 05, 2008 04:51
that my decision to not write about politics, (which lasted all of 30 seconds) was probably a bad one
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May 02, 2008 02:11
Not like anyone cares or anything... I have decided to give up retarded shit for the rest of the year, as politics (and everything else for that matter) is pretty much not even worth speaking about. (Besides, it's too late to announce my candidacy for president, and honestly, I wouldn't want the job if it was offered to me
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Apr 22, 2008 14:18
failed to come to me. However, let me tell a story about everything, through my eyes. Frustration is nothing new to me. When i was young, my teachers thought i was 'slow' (teacher talk for retarded), but I wasn't being taught correctly because i don't think logically, I think spatially. What does that mean? Well, instead of thinking in a straight
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Dec 13, 2007 02:18
yearly entry. (I remember when I had delusions I would post daily. Mind you, this was when I thought writing was my calling, but that's enough reminiscing
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Jan 02, 2007 02:29
Well, here I've gone again. I seem to have more trouble staying places than leaving places. I'm off to Florida after moving to Las Vegas, then back to St Louis. I will say. other than gambling, Vegas is pretty boring and too damn hot. Anywho, I'll post some more when I get to Florida, as there is something to discuss regarding the hanging of Saddam
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