I hope you don't mind me commenting here, though. idek what I'm doing here, actually, I was just clicking around on random sites because I can't sleep and yeah. I loved your stories but I totally get why you wouldn't want them sitting around publicly (which is why I lock all my stuff; don't want people finding my fics unless they're specifically looking to read them).
Aww, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, thank you. &hearts I'll still be around, I hope to see you around too! Go Habs go and go Team-that-we-only-cheer-for-because-Jaro-happened-to-be-traded-to-them, go! XD
Comments 2
I hope you don't mind me commenting here, though. idek what I'm doing here, actually, I was just clicking around on random sites because I can't sleep and yeah. I loved your stories but I totally get why you wouldn't want them sitting around publicly (which is why I lock all my stuff; don't want people finding my fics unless they're specifically looking to read them).
anyways, yeah, hope to see you around, though :)
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