Title: There is nothing I wouldn't do
Author: jelazakazone
Characters: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Merlin talks about what he does to keep Arthur safe
Word count:265
Rating: G
Thanks to
jillbertini and
archaeologist_d for being awesome betas!
a/n: Alison McGhee wrote this adorable little picture book for
children Always about the bond between a pet and his child owner. I
wasn't paying any attention to it at all, until we got to the line
"There is nothing I will not do to keep him safe" and I thought, my
god, that's Merlin.
There is nothing I will not do to keep Arthur safe. That is why I
must keep my magic a secret. I will cover for him and go to the
stocks for him. If there is a danger he must know about, I will tell
him; when he cannot heed my warnings, I will risk performing magic,
even in front of the king. I willingly choose to drink from the
goblet that may contain poison; I trust Arthur with my life. Despite
the pain I feel at my father's death, I will not cry in front of my
Prince. Sometimes, I will speak boldly, when the situation demands,
even though it is not my place, in the hope that he will hear my words
for the warning they bring. I will lie to him about visions, wounds,
and other occurrences to keep the magic a secret. His safety is
foremost in my mind and why I am always at his side or sneaking behind
if he does not want me near. I will craft the most powerful sword the
land has ever known and face the risks and consequences to keep Arthur
safe. I trust in his destiny and this is why I am not nervous before
a seemingly impossible battle. I tell him, "It is your fate to be the
greatest king Camelot has ever known. Your victory today will be
remembered by every age until the end of time".
That is why I will gladly be his servant, 'til the day I die.
And that is why I would gladly die for him.