Today makes seven days of prompts. I'm going to stop with the prompts. Maybe I'll do a week of prompts once a month.
If you missed previous prompts, feel free to go back and write for them too. No expiration date, just don't write for more than fifteen minutes. (By the way, I often cheat and think about something for a while before I sit down to write. That's allowed:))
LOVE and/or CURSE, and
LENGTH are the previous prompts.
Here are my rules for the drabbles. 100 words. No less. No more. Write for 15 minutes. You can use my prompt or not, as you wish. Write in whatever language you like. Can be fanfic, original, poetry, non-fiction. The point here is to loosen up. Try not to edit too much. Think of these as imperfect cookies: they may not look totally neat and polished, but they are still tasty and satisfying.
Post your drabbles in the comments here so everyone who is doing it can see them. Please put the title of your drabble (if you have one) in the subject field. Looking forward to what people come up with!
Feel free to post them on your own journals and even link back in the comments to them. I'd like to have them all centrally located. You can post them in the
15 Minute Drabble collection on AO3. I think it's good to have a playground where you can try new things and stretch yourself. Go, create imperfect cookies. Do not put pressure on yourself. HAVE FUN. Any questions? Ask!
Todays prompt is: CALIBRATE
For the update portion: yesterday I mowed, wrote 1K of words, folded two loads of laundry, cooked lamb feta "burgers", took the girls to the library and probably something else. Today I'm going to sit on my ass and do nothing except drool over Colin try to touch up the paint in the girls' room, edit my story and someone else's, and not eat the chocolate cake in the freezer. Some more laundry folding and sewing would be good to do today too.
What are you up to today?
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.