Title: Having Day Dreams, About Night Things, In the Middle of the Afternoon - Part Three
Author: Jellie_RayneLuv
Rating: Overall NC17 (adult content people, don't like it, don't read it)
Pairing: John & Ellie (like you had to ask?!)
Spoilers: None, really ... although this isn't exactly following canon. The wedding never happened. So it's kinda AU,
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Comments 2
Great stuff here Jellie..just evil and sweet and whoa! Hawt!
Now pardon me, but I gotta cold shower in my immediate future ;D
Thanks for reading it so quickly. I was nervous that the tone was all wrong, but I kinda like the darker John.
I can't believe that has been sitting at the top of my LJ for over a year just waiting for me to post it. Should have done that a while back and to tell you the truth I forgot that I had written that much.
Now if Brandywine would take a look, it would even be more awesome.
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