Update in a Nutshell.

Sep 28, 2008 23:49

It's been quite awhile.

I'm actually feeling pretty fucking good about a lot of things.
But super stressed, of course.

Things I am doing:
School: Spanish I, Gender and Society
Feminists United
Ladyfest: Workshops/Funding Proposal
Voter Registration Drive at NMC
Student Government Association SGA: Voting Member
I like going to Spectrum meetings

I like my Spanish class, I just wish I had more time/energy to spend on it.
Gender and Society I already know a bunch about, but I love my teacher, plus I get to have a class with Emma, Sara, Raja.
Raja introduced me to this kid Jesse who the Obama campaign also told me about. He's pretty cool too and is also in our gender and Society class. I want to connive him into coming to FU meetings.

Feminists United meetings, I'm also not quite able to pour my heart and soul into this semester. Mostly I don't have time to do a bunch of intellectual reading, so I don't have loads of intellectual and radical thoughts to be real excited about.

For Ladyfest... oh geeze. Two Fridays ago Feminists United handed a funding proposal into SGA. We asked for a crap load of money. We are going to discuss it this Friday and get a decision. Oh! Nervoursness!

For Ladyfest workshops, I'm kinda doing a half-assed job. It's getting close and I'm super burnt out on it. Sara and I agreed that after Ladyfest I'm just going to be drunk all the next week. And then we are going to sleep for two years. Sounds good to me.

Sara and I set up a table for the Obama campaign to do Voter Registration at NMC. It kinda makes me happy/proud, although quite honestly we didn't have to do much to get it running... the people staffing the table are doing all the work. BUT Sara and I did run through the dorms knocking on all the doors and getting all of them signed up.

Our friends Nate and Abraham did a cover story for the White Pine Press on Feminists United/Sara/Raja/and I setting up the tabel... It was extra exciting... Then a couple days later Lisa Blackford (the awesome lady who runs the Student Activities Office) told me about a lady from the Record Eagle trying to get ahold of students who were setting up voter reg... so Sara and I did, and we are in the paper today!
Here: http://www.record-eagle.com/local/local_story_272093842.html

It's kinda odd, I feel like I AM the grandchild of my Grandparents... Filling their activist shoes and all, part of the larger community, stufff like that... too bad I'm tired of being here.

As for Student Government Association, I am a voting member, I actually like being a part of it more than I thought I would... I like, I really enjoy, about half of the other members. Two Fridays ago we did our nominations for officer positions, which was exciting in itself, but then! This fun kid Francis nominated me for Treasurer. I accepted the nomination but said that I probably would revoke it b/c I'm too busy. But it made me feel really good that he nominated me!

This Friday we had our SGA Retreat. Thurday all fifteen of us played laser tag and bowled and then went to Lisa's house for the night and all the next day. I hung out with a bunch of "new" people. Ruthy, the regional director of the Student Peace Alliance, her cousin Kris, Erin who works at Horizon, Kourtney, and Francis are really awesome people and they kind of sucked me in. But I was sucked in quite willingly. Francis yells "FU! FU! FU! FU!" every time he sees me, he gets a real kick out of it. Plus Francis and Kris give me a hard time - calling me a man-hater and all b/c I gave them shit b/c they used to be scared off from Sara and I b/c they thought we were actual man-haters.

It was just fun hanging around with a bunch of people who arn't the same people I hang out with every other day of the week.

Work is soul-sucking, of course.

Also last Wednesday I had a bonfire, with the Wednesday crew - Sara, Clint, Emma, MariAnne, Jack, Kullin, Raja, and I had invited Jesse to hang out with us. I really enjoyed it and I think I will do it this week also.

So, that's Chantel's life in a nutshell. yuppers.
Any Questions?

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