Title: 50 sentences
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing: ohmiya
Rating: PG-13?
Notes: For
1sentence, set 1 - alpha. This took me FOREVER to finish. D: I am so proud of how I've abused the English language in these sentences. DD:
The sentences aren't in chronological order and they don't really form a complete story.
#01 - Comfort
They don't really speak of it; just a quick embrace in the dark corridor just before a show and Ohno suddenly feels like he can smile again.
#02 - Kiss
Nino tried to avoid it for as long as he could, but sometimes fate gives you what you wanted even if you tried to fight it: Ohno's lips are soft against his and Nino wonders why he waited this long.
#03 - Soft
There's a different kind of softness in Ohno's eyes when he looks at Nino that makes Nino's heart beat faster and stops every attempt to look away.
#04 - Pain
Injuries were a common job hazard for them, but up until now, there had been no one to fuss over every single sprain and bruise, making Nino feel embarrassed and pleased all at the same time.
#05 - Potatoes
Nino watches with growing amazement how the potatoes vanish into Ohno's mouth faster than he had ever thought possible: he had slightly burned them and added too much salt, he knows they don't taste very good, but still Ohno beams at him and puts one more into his mouth, and Nino thinks that if Ohno will say that they were delicious, he will smack him on the head, no matter how adorable he is.
#06 - Rain
Nino watches how Ohno practices the choreography of his new solo (his eyes are intense and his moves are sharp) and forgets to breathe.
#07 - Chocolate
Nino didn’t like chocolate very much - most of the stuff was just too sweet for his taste - but he surprised himself by wanting to lick the smudge from the corner of Ohno’s mouth.
#08 - Happiness
The smallest of things could make Nino the happiest he could ever be - like the way Ohno’s fingers slid down his arm and grabbed his hand, not letting go even if they were in a middle of a busy street.
#09 - Telephone
Once or twice it had happened that Nino had tried to call Ohno and couldn’t get hold of him just because at that same moment, Ohno had tried to call him.
#10 - Ears
They say Ohno has lucky ears - but after hearing the things Nino had said, Ohno didn’t agree.
#11 - Name
Nino has a plethora of different names for Ohno and he uses them carelessly, mixes different nicknames in different situations; Ohno doesn’t mind any of them, not even the really stupid and embarrassing ones.
#12 - Sensual
Nino arches against his touch and the way his neck stretches and how his lips part and how his fingers curl into the sheets is so beautiful that Ohno completely forgets himself.
#13 - Death
Ohno was shirtless, this Nino could see from the corner of his eye, and then the older boy stretched his arms over his head, making the muscles in his back become more evident, and so Nino’s game ended once more with the “Game Over”-screen.
#14 - Sex
It wasn’t really about the sex, Nino thought (as he slid his mouth down and over Ohno’s chest), and that was what scared him the most.
#15 - Touch
Nino can get fired up from a single touch - he can also be calmed with one light brush of fingers, or made to fall silent from just a hand pressed against the small of his back: this has led Aiba to think that Ohno has a magical touch and can probably turn water into wine if he tries hard enough.
#16 - Weakness
Nino had always thought that he knew his own weaknesses and that he had learned to keep them under control, but every time Jun looked at him like that he found a new flaw in himself.
#17 - Tears
Nino had never learned to deal with tears - not his own nor anyone else’s - and seeing Ohno cry made him feel like there was nothing good in the world.
#18 - Speed
Time works weirdly, Nino thought and touched his lips, his fingers getting slick with blood; even if Ohno’s punch really had to have been quick, it still felt like he had seen it in slow motion.
#19 - Wind
The wind was cold and Ohno wrapped his scarf once more around his neck; it smelled of Nino and he wondered if he had taken the wrong one when he had left in such a hurry (they really should stop sharing clothes).
#20 - Freedom
Now he could be freely miserable, alone and desperate (and no one would eat all the ice cream before he could get any); freedom was overrated, Nino thought bitterly.
#21 - Life
Nino laughed at people who said things like “without you I will die,” but then he found himself thinking about a life without Ohno and almost crying.
#22 - Jealousy
There were only so many times he could watch Nino smile to Sho and Sho smile back to him and pretend not to care.
#23 - Hands
It was never a good idea to play cards with Nino, Ohno mused: either he would end up losing a lot of money - since Nino never played for nothing - or he would end up without his clothes (since Nino never played for nothing).
#24 - Taste
This time Ohno tasted slightly different, like the months they had spent apart had somehow changed the chemicals in his body, like they were dependent on each other to exist.
#25 - Devotion
He knew he belonged to Nino, with Nino, together, and sometimes that irritated him very, very much (but there really was nothing he could do about it).
#26 - Forever
Nino certainly never said the word out loud - and neither did Ohno - but still they both knew.
#27 - Blood
He wanted to hurt, wanted to draw blood out of the other, wanted to taste it and feel the rush of fear and...
#28 - Sickness
It’s a failing, a sickness of soul, Ohno thinks, when his eyes drift away from Nino and over Sho’s body, casually, but not very innocently.
#29 - Melody
Hearing Ohno in the kitchen that morning, singing along with the radio, made Nino’s heart ache with something bigger than affection or sadness or happiness.
#30 - Star
He frequently thought that Johnny had made a mistake - that someone had screwed up somewhere - and he was not supposed to be there at all (then Nino would smile to him and he felt like a star again).
#31 - Home
It had been cold and rainy outside and inside the house it was dark and silent; no one else was home yet - then his phone rang and he heard Nino’s cheery voice asking if he could come over, making the room feel so much brighter already.
#32 - Confusion
Nino puzzled Ohno: he often said something but meant something completely different - and then it seemed that what he was actually feeling, he never said out loud at all.
#33 - Fear
From time to time he would wake up in the middle of the night and wonder what his life would be like if he had never met Ohno; the thought always made him terrified and he would lose his sleep for the rest of the night.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
He’s not really scared of the flashes of light or the loud cracks coming from the sky - he never has been - but he keeps pretending just so that Ohno will let him crawl next to him on the futon and put his arms around his shoulders.
#35 - Bonds
A bit too late, he remembered that giving control to Nino was never a good idea; Nino tied his knots very well.
#36 - Market
“Hands off the goods”, Nino says and shoves Jun aside, moving to stand between him and Ohno.
#37 - Technology
Ohno hated that goddamned device that Nino brought everywhere with him (sometimes Ohno secretly switched its batteries to dead ones so that he could have Nino all to himself for a while).
#38 - Gift
“I’m sorry, I didn’t buy you anything,” Ohno mutters and ducks his head, looking ashamed (there is a pause, a silence descending between them) but then he looks back up, straight into Nino’s eyes and flashes a grin that Nino isn’t used to seeing on Ohno’s face, and he says: “I thought of something way better.”
#39 - Smile
They kissed slow and sloppily, with open mouths and careless amounts of tongue (Ohno felt Nino’s smile against his lips).
#40 - Innocence
It had been a long time since Nino had last been innocent; but with Ohno, he tended to forget about that.
#41 - Completion
He just wanted to tell everyone that he was done, he didn’t want to continue, he had nothing left to give, he was over, it was over, everything was done, complete, utterly finished; he just wanted to go back home and curl next to Ohno on the couch, fall asleep and then wake up to Ohno complaining that his arm had gone numb and that he was hungry - he wanted to feel complete in that good way again.
#42 - Clouds
Ohno was lying on his back and the sky was bright blue and the clouds drifted lazily across it, like they were a little too heavy for the wind to push forward, and he was momentarily blinded by the sun, just before Nino blocked his view of the sky, appearing from nowhere and straddling him, wearing a grin that promised something else than one more typical, lazy summer day.
#43 - Sky
Ohno pressed his face against the glass of the airplane window, watching the clouds beneath them, the rolling mass of white that looked so firm and almost like it would carry his weight, when he felt someone press their body against his back, and Nino’s voice whisper into his ear about joining a “special club” after the others would have finally fallen asleep.
#44 - Heaven
“Don’t stop,” Nino asked.
#45 - Hell
Ohno doesn’t understand why Nino went to sit there - just few inches too far for Ohno to reach out and touch him.
#46 - Sun
He hated cliches, hated them with a fiery passion, but then there was Ohno and he was smiling and happy and laughing and amazing and it made Nino squint his eyes, like it was the sun that he was staring at instead of Ohno.
#47 - Moon
The moon shines, big and bright, and Ohno wants to touch it even if he knows it’s impossible - but when he reaches out towards the sky, Nino slips his hand into Ohno’s, their fingers lacing tightly together, and Nino smiles.
#48 - Waves
Nino remembers Hawaii and the waves hitting the side of the boat and the weird feeling in the pit of his stomach and he remembers all the things he didn’t know, didn’t even imagine back then and he wonders if any of this is actually real (but Ohno’s arm is tight and so solid around his waist).
#49 - Hair
Ohno had loved to run his fingers over Nino’s head and Nino almost considered shaving his hair off once more just to feel that touch again.
#50 - Supernova
It was like millions of stars had suddenly burst inside his head and he couldn’t care less if he sounded sappy or stupid or pathetic - he was in love.