Arashi - Questions & Answers

Jan 01, 2009 19:12

Title: Questions & Answers
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing/Group: Aiba/Sho, hints of Nino/Ohno and some hints of past Aiba/Nino.
Word count: 3218
Notes: Originally written for maiaide at je_holiday. Thank you for waxrose for betaing this on such a short notice. ♥

This fic is basically just some smut. :D

Aiba wondered if he should tell Sho that he was currently singing about getting a boner on the dance floor.

At least Aiba was pretty sure the song was about that. It was amazing how many dirty words you could pick up from foreign zookeepers if you just were willing to learn.

Well, from foreign zookeepers and porn movies.

And through some extensive self-study.

Aiba took a long swig from the glass of beer in front of him. The room was starting to sway a little when he looked around, the dim lights looking a little dimmer than they should have. Nino, who was sitting across the table from him, was looking a little blurry around the edges.

Well, Sho probably knew what he was singing about. It was just likely that Sho didn't care much at this point, considering that he had drank more than Aiba and Nino combined.

Aiba thought it was time to go home. Nino was already dozing off a little and Sho was forgetting to sing most of his lyrics and he was feeling strangely restless, like he wanted to move and do something, but he wasn't sure what. At least, he wasn't going to stay in this small, stuffy booth that smelled of sweat and beer and old cigarette smoke.

When Sho stopped singing and slumped down on the couch next to Aiba and against his side, it was an easy decision to make.

"I had fun, guys," Aiba said, grabbing Sho's arm and hoisting him up. "We never hang out anymore, just the three of us. It was fun," he repeated.

Nino looked up at him and grinned before fishing out his cell phone. "It was only because you couldn't get Jun to come with us," he said before turning away from them to make his call.

Aiba turned to Sho, pushing their bodies against one another, their sides moulding together almost seamlessly. Hip to hip, Aiba's arm around Sho's shoulder, they found a balance that somehow kept them both up instead of making them tumble back down on the couch.

"Sho-chan?" Aiba muttered into Sho's ear while Nino was too busy talking on the phone to notice anything. It was actually such an easy decision to make that Aiba wondered if he was drunker than he felt. Maybe he was just generally stupider than he had thought he was, but it was kind of useless to try to stay smart while Sho was this close and Aiba felt so skittish, suddenly (or always, when Sho was this close). "Can I take you home with me tonight?" Aiba kept his voice normal, far from anything seductive, because he knew that way Sho would only laugh at him.

Sho still laughed, but it wasn't the kind of laugh that dismissed his question. It was a short, nervous laugh and then Sho put his head on Aiba's shoulder, moving a little too casually for his intoxicated state. Sho swayed where he stood, still heavy against Aiba's side, wrapping his arms around his waist. "For what?" he asked.

Aiba followed the curve of Sho's neck and shoulder with his eyes, wondering why Sho always felt so solid to him. Strong and calming but still a little bit distant (or maybe the distance was something new. He couldn't remember feeling it few years ago). It didn't matter if Sho was tired or stressed or too drunk to even stand on his own - Aiba always felt the same way around him.

"Can you two manage?" Nino asked, clicking his phone shut and turning to face them. "My friend's coming to pick me up. Can you handle Sho on your own?"

"Yeah, no problem," Aiba said, trying to keep his tone light. Then he added, almost like an afterthought: "Tell Ohno I said hi."

To Aiba's great satisfaction, Nino actually looked embarrassed. "Okay, fine then," he said, biting his lip, the bridge of his nose reddening from something else than drink. "You get a ride too."

Aiba grinned. "Thanks! It's going to be only one extra trip since I'm taking Sho home with me!"

Nino rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

It had been raining while they had been in the karaoke booth, Aiba noticed when they stepped out of the building. The asphalt was dark, the lights around them glittering on the wet surface like small diamonds. Or like glitter. Or like their stage after the sparkles had been released.

It made Aiba want to dance.

He hummed a song instead.

"Ah," Nino giggled as a car pulled next to them. "He borrowed his mother's car again." Which was a pretty useless thing to say; Ohno always borrowed his mother's car. But Aiba knew Nino just liked to talk about Ohno, so he didn't say anything.

Ohno rolled his window open and grinned a greeting to them. "Need a ride?" he asked.

The ride home was quiet. Ohno drove in silence, his whole concentration on the road, and Nino sat in the front, also very quiet. Aiba thought he might have been a little bit embarrassed. Sho was dozing off next to Aiba, while he spent the ride watching Ohno. It was so rare to see Ohno driving and he looked a little bit uncomfortable behind the wheel, driving slightly too carefully on the wet roads.

Aiba watched how the orange glow of the streetlights reflected from Ohno's glasses and thought that Nino was one of the luckiest people he knew.

When they stopped in front of his apartment complex, Aiba leaned forward and patted both Nino and Ohno on the shoulder. "Thanks for the ride, guys. I'll see you tomorrow at the taping. Don't stay up too late!" he grinned, winking at Nino, managing to draw a lopsided grin from him. Aiba gave their shoulders a small squeeze that he hoped would tell them things were okay and then he dragged Sho out of the car and up the stairs into his apartment. He heard Ohno's car pull away while he unlocked his door.

Sho was now acting a little bit more aware of his surroundings, but apparently not aware enough to talk since he was just staring at Aiba, a puzzled look in his eyes, obviously trying to work something out.

Sometimes Sho was just so easy to read.

"You're too drunk so I thought I'd take care of you tonight," Aiba laughed at him, pulling him into the apartment by the hand. Sho nodded and yawned and Aiba closed the door behind them before pushing himself against Sho's back. Sho swayed a little but kept his balance so Aiba leaned closer and rubbed his nose against Sho's ear. His hair was slightly cold and damp from the weather outside, cooling Aiba's skin where it touched him.

"Aiba?" Sho said, finally finding his voice again. "What are you doing?"

"Taking care of you," Aiba muttered against Sho's ear. "I don't get to do that very often." He traced his lips along Sho's earlobe. "So now I'm being thorough." He could feel the goosebumps on Sho's skin against his fingers.

Sho laughed and pulled away from Aiba, avoiding his eyes.

"Okay then, Sho-chan!" Aiba said briskly and stretched his arms over his head. "Shoes and jacket off! I'm going to get you a glass of water."

As he was standing in the kitchen, filling a glass with cold water, Aiba thought that sometimes Sho could be a little slow. But not slow at realizing what Aiba wanted, just slow at understanding that he wanted the same thing too. Aiba thought that it was a good thing that he found it actually pretty cute. Or he might have lost his patience a long time ago.

When he turned around, Sho was standing at the kitchen doorway, watching him. It looked like Sho had also mostly stopped swaying. It was a good thing too. An out-of-his-mind-drunk Sho wasn't exactly what Aiba wanted.

He watched Sho drain the glass of water and wondered if Sho just needed a little push.

It was always worth a try. And Aiba usually trusted his instincts.

Sho's mouth tasted cold after the water and there was only a small tang of alcohol when their tongues slid against each other.

Aiba didn't close his eyes. He watched how Sho's eyes fluttered closed and how he frowned a little when he answered the kiss. He kept track of Sho's mouth and when it slipped from his lips to his neck and when he could curl his fingers in Sho's hair, Aiba knew he had been right. He pulled Sho back up for another kiss, slow, cheeks rough with late night stubble and mouths sweet and warming quickly.

When Sho backed him against the sink, Aiba stopped feeling smug and let out a small laugh. He wasn't planning on doing this in his kitchen. "Sho, Sho," he laughed. "I actually have a bed too."

"A bed?" Sho asked, preoccupied with trailing his lips over Aiba's throat and scratching his teeth against his skin. Then he paused and looked up at Aiba. "Bed?" he repeated.

"Yeah. In a bedroom. It has lots more room to make out and a lot fewer dishes to break. Also, bedrooms are made for this kind of thing!"

"Bedrooms are made for sleeping, Masaki," Sho said incredulously.

"No," Aiba laughed, amused that he could actually draw Sho into a discussion like this even when he could feel him half hard against his thigh. "Bedrooms are made for sex and have the added bonus that you can also sleep there. Like everywhere else has the bonus that you can also have sex in there. But that doesn't mean that I'm having sex with you against my kitchen sink. It's not very romantic." Aiba shifted a little so that his leg rubbed better against Sho's crotch. He could feel the muscles in Sho's legs twitch when he pushed his knee up between Sho's legs.

"Wait," Sho said when Aiba pushed him down on the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. "Sex?"

"Or," Aiba said, leaning down to kiss Sho and sliding his hand over the front of Sho's jeans, rubbing the flat of his palm against Sho's erection, feeling him getting harder under his hand. "Or you can just go to sleep with that."

"Oh," Sho said and grabbed Aiba's waist, pulling him down on the bed with him. "I should be probably thinking that this is a very bad idea," he muttered while Aiba opened his fly for him. "But I can't think right now, oh, fuck."

Aiba rolled his tongue experimentally over the head of Sho's cock, but looked up when Sho swore. Sho never swore. It was interesting (and kind of hot).

"H-have you ever done anything like this before?" Sho asked, gasping when Aiba took him deeper into his mouth. Aiba could feel Sho's fingers tugging at his hair and smiled, pulling away to answer him.

"Well, I've done research," he grinned.

"R-research?" Sho squeaked. "What kind of research? I swear to god if you've used manga I'll--"

"I'm not stupid," Aiba laughed. "And I've known Nino for a long time now."

"Oh," Sho said, leaning back against the pillows, relaxing. Then he tensed again. "Wait. What does that mean?"

"That I know what I'm doing," Aiba grinned. "Shut up and relax. You're not being very sexy and it's hard to do this if you keep asking me questions."

Sho pouted at him, but put his head back down on the pillows. "You're the one who brought Nino into the conversation," Aiba heard him mutter. He giggled but didn't stop what he was doing, not before Sho had stopped muttering and was moaning instead.

"Why did you stop?" Sho asked when Aiba kissed his way up his chest. Aiba liked the whine in Sho's voice. To his ears, it sounded so different from the way he usually complained. Sho's voice was low and it trembled slightly when he breathed out. Aiba liked it when he got different reactions out of Sho than anyone else. And he really liked the idea of this being Sho's ‘Aiba-voice'.

Aiba smiled up at him. "Because I want to be thorough, I told you." He kissed Sho again and pressed their hips together, Sho's skin rubbing against the material of his pants. "And I want to talk to you and look at you."

"And because", Aiba thought, "there is a big chance that you're going to freak out tomorrow morning and it'll get really awkward between us for a while and there is also a chance that you won't ever let me do this again."

"Stupid pants," Sho said and Aiba was surprised to feel Sho's hands on the buttons of his jeans, slowly getting them opened while at the same time he tried to kick his own pants away from his ankles. Aiba burst out laughing. He would worry later. Or (maybe) never.

"Stupid clothes," he agreed and adjusted his position so that Sho reached better to open his fly. "Remember to take off your socks too, Sho-chan."

"You're heavy," Sho laughed. "Get off. This is really hard to do when you're in the way!"

Aiba rolled off Sho and settled next to him on the bed, watching as Sho got rid of his remaining clothes before turning to Aiba and pulling off his pants and socks too. While he watched, he realized that with anyone else, this would have been really, really awkward, possibly even mood-killing, but with Sho, it just somehow felt right. It was a happy, bubbly feeling and when Sho turned to look at him and smiled, Aiba grabbed him and pushed their lips together again, kissing him until he was feeling light in the head and really needed to breathe. He withdrew far enough to draw in a shaky breath, which wasn't very far at all. Aiba wanted to talk to Sho and tell him things and laugh and possibly repeat Sho's name over and over again, but he could only draw in another breath, a lot sharper this time, because Sho's hand had wrapped around his erection, stroking slowly and firmly.

"Ah," Aiba sighed, wrapping his arms around Sho's shoulders, leaning on him for support. "Stop that."

"Why?" Sho asked, stroking again and now it was Aiba who wanted to swear. He needed to keep his head clear (well, clearer) because this still wasn't what he wanted.

"I keep telling you. I am taking care of you tonight." Aiba grabbed Sho's wrist and gently pushed him away.

Sho looked at Aiba, confused, while Aiba's fingers trailed up his arms and then down his chest. "But. What about you?" he asked.

Aiba looked up and grinned.

"Oh," Sho said. "Oh. Oh. Crap. I knew this was a bad idea."

Aiba just smiled and kissed him again, slowly, almost lazily, trying to somehow reassure Sho that this was actually not a bad idea at all. His hands travelled down Sho's body and over his ass before he pushed him down on the bed. "Don't worry," Aiba whispered before taking Sho's lower lip between his teeth and then trailing his tongue over it. "I'll be gentle!"

Sho let out a sound somewhere between a (desperate) laugh and a moan. "Do you have condoms?" he asked, burying his face in Aiba's neck.


"And... uh... lube?"

"Of course!"

"How does that... No, actually, I think I'll never ask a question from you ever again."

By the time Aiba slipped the second finger in, Sho had stopped complaining. "I can't believe you've never done this before," Aiba said.

Sho's whole face was red. His eyes were squeezed shut and his eyebrows were knitted together because he was concentrating so hard to relax himself. "Are you trying to make this as embarrassing as possible for me?" he asked. "Don't answer that," he added a heartbeat later, making Aiba smile. Aiba wanted to kiss him again and tell him how cute he was being, but there were too many things in his way right then and he didn't really know how he should say it so that Sho would understand. (And, honestly, he was getting a little impatient.)

"This isn't embarrassing," Aiba said. "You're hot."

Sho didn't say anything, only throwing his arm over his eyes when Aiba pulled his fingers out. Aiba allowed him to hide while he slowly pushed inside, only whispering small reassurances to him. Then he got a hold of Sho's wrist and pulled his arm away. "Does it hurt?" he whispered, trying to make Sho open his eyes. "Just relax, it's only me."

Sho opened his eyes to glare at him. Aiba could feel Sho's hand shaking in his, but he was gradually relaxing again, looking up at Aiba, finally even forgetting to glare. Then Aiba moved and Sho's eyes closed again.

Aiba didn't like to compare, but this might have been the best sex of his life. It was completely different from the way he had imagined it to be. It was slow and awkward and a little uncomfortable, but Sho's hand squeezed his on every thrust and Sho was making noises, slowly building up volume and Aiba really liked when Sho made noises like that.

Though, Aiba admitted, he generally wasn't very objective about things like sex. And Sho. So he might have not been very objective at all. He untangled his fingers from Sho's and wrapped them around Sho's cock, stroking, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. Then Sho whimpered and Aiba decided that yes, this was the best sex of his life.

Then Sho came, his whole body shuddering, but suddenly quiet, only gasping for air, and Aiba knew it was useless to try to fight it. He only managed half a thrust more before following Sho and slumping down over him.

"Masaki?" Sho said quietly.

"Hm?" Aiba didn't want to move and he was still trying to catch his breath, so words could wait a little longer.

"Pull out, you idiot. I really need to move my legs."

"Oh, sorry," Aiba said sheepishly and pulled out and away from Sho. He got up and headed to the bathroom to find something he could clean up with. When he returned, he found Sho still lying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "You okay?" he asked, leaning down to wipe Sho's stomach with his towel.

"It's really going to hurt tomorrow. I know it," Sho said gloomily. "What will we do if I can't even walk?" He sat up on the bed and pulled Aiba to him, resting his cheek against Aiba's stomach.

Aiba patted Sho on the top of the head, trying to keep himself from laughing. "We'll worry about that in the morning. Just be glad we don't have dance practice."

Sho groaned and dragged Aiba down on the bed with him, pulling the covers over their heads. They settled down into the warm, dark cocoon of blankets and it all felt so natural, like they had been doing this forever.

It was a very nice feeling.

"Don't worry," Aiba mumbled into Sho's ear. "I'll take care of you tomorrow too."

"That's what I'm worried about," Sho whispered back, but Aiba could hear the smile in his voice.

pairing: sho/aiba, length: oneshot, fandom: arashi

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