[Name] Stephi
[Level] 3/Mage
[Cards] 210 (Worth 212)
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Future Collections:
Activity Log
02.16.10 -
*Joined Snowball Fight, cost Snowflake x1.
*Snowball Attack, cost Snowflake x2.
*Snowball Assist, cost Snowflake x1, got serictotherescue12, sfriendlikeme03, and smeetthesoundtrack07.
*Snowball Attack, cost Snowflake x2.
*Joined Snowball Fight, cost Snowflake x1.
*Snowball Attack, cost Snowflake x2, got ftinker18 and soogieboogiessong09.
*Snowball Assist, cost Snowflake x1.
*Snowball Attack, cost Snowflake x2, got farcher30 and sonesong10.
*Mastered Winter10, got slessonone11, fdreams18, swhatsthis08, and swhistlewhile07.
02.14.10 -
*Leveled Up, got slessonone08, slessonone10, cslinky03, cstitch05, ffrog09, flost20, selephantgraveyard13, sevilspell02, and xcanine11.
02.13.10 -
*Winter 9, got ewinter1011, ewinter1012, skingofpriderock04, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 10, got ewinter1013, sflotsamandjetsam14, strueloveskiss13, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 11, got ewinter1014, sdaughtersoftriton14, sdayinlondon15, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 12, got ewinter1015, ccrush05, cednamode05, and Snowflake x1.
02.08.10 -
*Aristocrat's Acronyms (1st place), got faristocrat17, fperfect29, fslipper20, Florax1, and Merryweatherx1.
*Muses' Icons (1st place), got cgenie01, fhunny25, sitsmorning11, ssallyssong05, Florax1, and Merryweatherx1.
*Gypsy's Graphics, got cgus10, shumanagain07, ssorcerersapprentice09, and Faunax1.
*Alice's Analogy, Belle's Book, Cinderella's Cleanser, Lady's Location, Mulan's Memory, Nala's Nomenclature, got satlantissinking08, sbarkingatthemoon01, snotmydog03, ssomethingthere02, sverygoodadvice08, cmerryweather04, clinguini02, cyao03, cgenie09, fmusic16, czira07, fmermaid01, fstrength12, ceric03, simwishing04, and cmeeko10.
*Ariel's Aria, got fnightmare09 and sgreatestgift12.
*Vixey's Video, got sdefinedancing02 and sonejumpahead08.
02.02.10 -
*Winter 1, got ewinter1001, sscooterchase05, sscooterchase07, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 2, got ewinter1002, cgaston04, ckiara10, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 3, got ewinter1003, ewinter1004, fstrength10, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 4, got ewinter1005, ckiara09, ckingtriton06, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 5, got ewinter1006, ewinter1007, cbolt08, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 6, got ewinter1008, sintothewell09, strueloveskiss15, and Snowflake x1.
*Winter 7, got Snowflake x1.
*Winter 8, got ewinter1009, ewinter1010, fgame24, and Snowflake x1.
02.01.10 -
*Pink or Blue, got shappyending15, fspirit16, cquasimodo06, Flora x1, and Fauna x1.
*100 Acre Woods, got cjackskellington09, satlantissinking03, and cqueennarissa04.
*Agrabah, got cmaleficent07, flamp09, soogieboogiessong13, and Flora x1.
*Andalasia 1, got sgothedistancere13 and slovetonight12.
*Andalasia 2, got fbirds21.
*Andalasia 3, got csebastian07, flamp05, and sthisishalloween14.
*Baker Street, got caladdin03, fboundin06, fwild20, and Flora x1.
*Found an Error, got sinfinityandbeyond08.
*Patch of Heaven, got ffuture16, and ssavedchina05.
*Pride Rock, got cfaline08, snothingintheworld07, snutcrackersuite07, and spinkelephants02.
*Tugley Woods, got cnuka10, fhonor24, and srearview10.
*Q&A (Jan 25), got fgame09.
*Q&A (Feb 01), got srescuingpenny03.
*Treasure Planet, got skingofpriderock14 and skissthegirl01.
01.27.10 -
*Beast's Bluff, got sinorout08, sintothesunlight09, fcars12, and cbianca207.
*Chinese New Year, got cpanic01, fbedknob04, srhapsodyinblue02, and sriteofspring03.
01.25.10 -
*Q&A (Jan 18), got slessonone07.
*John Smith's Joyride, got fbirds13 and fbirds27.
*Kuzco's Clothes, got sfriendsarefor03 and supendi07.
*Lewis' Lab, got clilo05 and cthemuses01.
*Peter Pan's Puzzle, got cesmeralda01 and fincredible18.
*Quasimodo's Quotes, got fsword07 and srealgone13.
*Robin Hood's Relationships, got sdreamisawishre03 and sdreamisawishre09.
*Simba's Scene, got slackofeducation15 and smanoutofyou14.
01.17.10 -
*Ariel's Aria, got fgame23 and slittlehercules02.
01.15.10 -
*Q&A (Jan 04), got fgame02.
*Q&A (Jan 11), got ffuture13.
01.14.10 -
*Joined, got slessonone04, slessonone06, slessonone13, cmufasa07, cpeterpan05, csally02, fgroove06, fmermaid14, frescue07, sjasminerunsaway05, smadmadammim15, sonesong01, and xqueen10.
*Pride Rock, got cprinceedward03, cremy08, ffuture18, smulanrevealed08, and stobefree09.
*Mulan's Memory, got sbeprepared06, sfollowingtheleader04, and smaleficentappears07.
*Nala's Nomenclature, got sgospeltruth313, slittlehercules12, and sonejumpahead13.
*Vixey's Video, got sbeastsavesbelle08 and slistenwithheart110.
*Alice's Analogy, got fboundin18, fburne12, and fgame16.
*Cinderella's Cleanser, got cbuzz10, fburne09, and sgreatestgift06.
*Belle's Book, got spianoconcerto03, srhapsodyinblue05, stourofthekingdom01.<
*Lady's Location, got ciago06, fdreams02, and sdiggatunnah10.
*100 Acre Woods, got sfrustration01, slistenwithheart106, sinfinityandbeyond01, and sthisland13.
*Agrabah, got sdestructionofgrotto10, srearview06, sthefairiesplan12, and Flora x1.
*Andalasia 1, got fbirds15 and fboundin04.
*Andalasia 2, got cpegasus05, stobefree01, stodiefor13, swhatsthis10.
*Baker Street, got cdory08, fcauldron15, frose18, sjackslament11, and Flora x1.
*Tulgey Woods, got fbirds18, fburne22, smulansdecision03, sstuckonyou15.
*Treasure Planet, got strueloveskiss03 and sunbirthdaysong12.
*Leveled Up, got cmarina10, cmarlin01, freturn02, froadtrip03, slessonone01, slessonone02, suponadreamre03, svanessassong04, and xco3
Trade Log
02.14.10 -
*Traded cbianca207 and faristocrat17 for Colette's smanoutofyou09 and smanoutofyou15.
02.12.10 -
*Traded cgenie01, cgenie09, cmerryweather04, and cthemuses01 for Valerie's shelivesinyou13, sscooterchase10, strueloveskiss07, and sweareone10.
*Traded fstrength10, fstrength12, slittlehercules02, and slittlehercules12 for Tara's cmufasa03, snotoneofus01, strueloveskiss01, and cbolt09, and member cards.
02.07.10 -
*Traded fbirds15, fbirds18, and suponadreamre03 for Pil-P's slessonone09, smanoutofyou06, and srealgone03, and member cards.
02.03.10 -
*Traded sebastian07 for Crash's fgame12.
*Traded caladdin03 for Kelly's fgame20 and member cards..
*Traded cjackskellington09 for Eira's cpegasus09 and member cards.
02.02.10 -
*Traded cesmeralda01 for Elin's slessonone15 and member cards.
01.27.10 -
*Traded thefairiesplan12 for Corbin's fgame15 and member cards.
*Traded fsword07 for Valerie's fgame01 and member cards.
01.17.10 -
*Traded fgroove06 for Arianna's fgame11 and member cards.
*Traded xco3 for Colette's fgame21, fgame25, and member cards.
*Traded stourofthekingdom01 for Crash's slessonone03 and member cards.
*Traded sunbirthdaysong12 for Macca's fgame22 and member cards.
01.15.10 -
*Traded frose18 for Isabella's slesssonone12 and member cards.
*Traded fburne09, cbuzz10, and cremy08 for Kristi's fgame26, fgame27, and fgame29 and member cards.
*Traded cmarina10 for Marie's slesssonone06 and member cards.
*Traded slistenwithheart110 for Birgitte's sthisland14 and member cards.