Title: Unexpected Love begins with a little or big tease?
Pairings: Akame (Main); other pairings: TegoShige, ShizukuXMiroku, RyuXHayato, RyoXJin(friendship), slight RyoDa; wait for the soon pairings… *giggles*
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Humor, Angst, Fluff
Warning: Some of Kame’s drama characters are females. Boys kissing and hugging. *LOL* (
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Comments 28
lol, Jin! I want to kill Yamapi too tho XD he's too clingy XDDD but I like him so I won't xD I don't like it...when ame is with Pi (although you can't say it from my icon xDDD)
waiting for the next chapie, dear! <3 <3 <3
Happy early New Year to you too!
wah, super pink pi is so cute, hehe
cant wait to see aka.kame,
and yeah jin is stupid, well cant help since he is bakanishi, hehe....
and dont tell me, the three chubby kids is jin??? hehe...
anyway thank you,
even it short,
the story is fun...
When's the next update
I'm excited for Aka-kame team to get started on their so called 'project'
I bet Jin would use his seducing skills to get Kame to notice him more than necessary
Good luck on the next one and I'm really hoping it'll be out soon
jin must make step if he want his kazu back.. he already wasting so much time for stupid statement that he get..... baka jin
waiting next...
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