awh I know what you mean about wanting to go out of state. But don't give up!! I went to a lot of college tours over spring break, and honestly, scores are NOT as important as they're built up to be. Colleges place transcript, difficulty of classes, and essay ALL above standardized testing. So basically, as long as you try hard in those areas, they are much more leniant on the testing. And you can always take the tests again...
You have plenty of time to bring your scores up. AND, if you're majorng in music, and you're good enough, the schools might make academic compromises. Every school states on their websites that they require 1580 SAT scores and 3.9999999999 GPAs. It's not realistic. They're just trying to challenge you and make themselves look better.
unfortunately, I am not going to be majoring in music--possibly a minor, maybe a double major, but it will most likely end up as a minor...I am really not that worried about the academic and GPA stuff...the scores are the things that suck for me--it doesn't look good to have an amazing GPA but do not so good on the standardized tests...and that is why i am hoping to do AMAZING on my ACTs :-) i still have a little bit of hope
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So don't give up yet! <3
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