What's in a game? HELP!

Mar 30, 2007 23:02

My brother has a paper to write...and I have to help him do the leg work.

The project: To look ahead and envision what communications will look like in the not-so-distant future (roughly 5-10 years). The class was divided into groups and given one communications technology. They then had to break that up and each member became responsible to focus on one aspect of the technology.

My brother's group has the topic of video games. More specifically, he gets to research internet video games.

Now, I know next to nothing about video games in general because I just have no interest in playing. I love sitting and watching others play and asking questions, but I'm not adept enough at the controls to actually make progress in a game. Plus, I'm way competitive and I get frustrated when I can't accomplish something, so staying away from video games means less stress and aggravation. As for my brother, he plays video games to some degree, but internet gaming is perhaps more foreign to him than it is to me.

Therefore, I know that several of you either play yourselves or know people who are very involved in internet gaming and was hoping that I could appeal for some help. I don't have much time to get this done, seeing as the paper is due on Tuesday.

The points I need to cover for the paper include [Taken directly from the assignment sheet]:
1. Conclusion: Briefly summarize your research.
2. Current State of the Technology: Explain how things are today. Include facts about size and any important trends which will impact the future.
3. Trends: Discuss any important developments. Where is the technology going? [Somehow, the "current state" and the "trends" sections appear to be asking for the same information twice. I guess what this section really calls for is a history of the technology?]
4. The Future: What will the future look like if this trend comes true? [This is where we have to offer an opinion...or perhaps more appropriately termed an "educated guess".]

I also need to make sure that I encounter at least 3 "fully verifiable sources".

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Also, please feel free to pass this around to friends and family who might have some opinions or insight as well.
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