Title: Water
Pairing: Ed x Alfons
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Note: Written to the song "Miss You" by Yuna Ito.
Crossposted to: fma_yaoi, fmayaoi, and blau_und_gold.
Because of his prosthetics, Edward could never swim. Just the little bit of water in the gears would send him spiralling downwards, the slight malfunction costing him his maneuverability and ability to just hold his weight up.
Poor Alfons had often been the victim of this, during one of his many times to get Edward to 'get out for once', especially during a particularly nasty incident involving him, Edward, a lake, and gravity's tendency to work at the worst times. The two had managed to get out all right, but Alfons had never given up on his attempts to get Ed to 'lighten up', though the rest of the time it was far, far away from anything wet.
If Alfons was still alive, he might have been surprised to know that Edward still went there every year with his baby brother, who wondered why Edward's laughter was laced with tears everytime Al managed to save the man from drowning for the umpteenth time.