Well the fuckers gone again, i guess three times the charm. This is his 3rd fucking time he's done this to my family. The first time he was still in the area but we didn't know where he was, but the police found him and he ended up comeing home because my other brother was dieing...But mind you , he came home with a list full of chareges
The second time he picked up and left in the middle of the nigth throw his bed room window, we didn't see or hear from him in three months, then we found out he was on the east cost and he wanted to come home. That was a year ago. And again he came with chareges.
This time , he had a great job , getting his life back on track..Well on the 21st of july he left foe work and we haven't seem him since..
I just can't belive how much of an ungreatfull bastered he is. My god , my parents got him the best lowyer in ontario , witch came with a hefty bill witch they paid out of the goodness of there heart going into debt to keep his ass out of jail.
Fuck i can't belive hes doing this to us again..In alll honesty if he comes back home and my parents pay to get his sorry ass out of trouble this time , i will lose all respect for my parents.
*sigh* I need some sleep , but as the past few nigths I am sure this nigth as the rest , will be very long