NO.6 vol.1 | p.7-27

Sep 18, 2011 01:54

Took me an hour to read 20 pages...

But totally worth it!

My tweets and notes as I was reading:

  • Karan likes trees (more than flowers) and plants
  • If Shion's b-day is 2013/09/07 where he's 12... that means he was born 2001
  • Shion's internal thoughts make me smirk XD
  • <暴風雨の中を裸で走り回る自分の姿を想像してみる。> ← 変わった子だね、紫苑は www 面白い!(ニヤニヤしている自分)
  • <「縫う」 ずっと後になって聞いた話だけれど、ぼくは、この時、嬉しくてたまらないという顔でにっこり笑ったらしい。> マジこんな紫苑好き!www ニヤニヤが止まらないぐらいwww
  • Shion's dad loved alcohol more than women and money, was basically a good-for-nothing
  • Karan makes Shion cherry cake for his birthday because his dad bought a cherry cake when Shion was born

Loving the details and background that's given in the novel so far!


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