So I was fopping around tonight cause i'm bored to daeth.... and I came upon this Larp reccomendation, so I went to the link and started reading some of the material, and a couple of the short stories, It's seems pretty kewl...
Yea so, this girl asked if we were hiring and such, and I was like yes we are, for the night shift, and she got excited and such, and I was really liking her... until she asked me to lie and said I knew her. *smacks forehead
( Read more... )
I've just spen two of the longest hours of my life trying to figure out our fucking peoplesoft 8.8 program. And did I figure it out after all that time? Of course bloody not! Because I can't get anybody on the frickin phone to help me out. I'm so pissed off right now. Grrrrrr
It just occoured to me that I need to pick up the car today. Joy of joys just what I like doing, marching to Marshalls in the freezing cold. That will be fun... yea....right.
I need a new toothbrush. I just realized how long I've had the one i've had.... I think I'll go and get one today.... might as well i'm gonna be up getting the car anyhow. *