My fourth show, third at White River, and guess what?
It rained. I'm 3 for 3 at WRA and it raining for Rush shows. Fortunately it was relatively light once
kizayaen and I got there, so the personal dampness and discomfort was at a minimum.
Still stellar musicians, all three. Alex was in -fantastic- form and shredding like a man half his age. Geddy's voice is definitely aging, but he can still hit the high notes when he tries and continues to send me into raptures with his bass work. I handed over my binocs to
kizayaen for Neil's drum solo so he could ogle properly, and yea verily, he rocked hardcore.
Set list!
Spirit of Radio
Time Stand Still - For serious WTF and hilarity points, Alex was on keyboards!
Stick It Out
Working Them Angels
Leave That Thing Alone
Faithless - I gleed! I love this song.
BU2B - Forthcoming next year on Clockwork Angels
Free Will
Intermission, with ticking year count-up that buzzed and ended at 1980, at which point commenced the playing of the entire Moving Pictures album.
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Caravan - Forthcoming next year on Clockwork Angels
Neil's drum solo
Closer to the Heart - This started out with Alex noodling something pretty I didn't recognize at all, on a 12-string, which eventually segued into Closer to the Heart.
2112 - Overture and Temples of Syrinx
Far Cry
La Villa Strangiato - no pirate blues
Working Man - this started extremely mellow and reggae then jolted back to rock with a synchronized crash halfway through the second chorus. Really impressive. And Alex was tearing it up hardcore on this one, at one point near the end doubled over around his guitar and scrabbling at it like a crazed beast. So damn awesome.
Despite the two teenage boys who slowly migrated to their left until they were standing DIRECTLY in front of me so I had to crane to see around their moppish heads and therefore brought down my enjoyment of the second half a fair amount until they continued migrating onward, I had an absolutely fantastic time. I continue to treat every Rush concert as though it may be the last I have the opportunity to attend, and hope for more.
Also, legs hurt like whoa from hiking across parking lot, standing for three hours or so, and hiking back to the car. My thighs in particular are protesting this abuse vehemently.
Last note to self, don't arrange to go to work after clearing the traffic snarl post-concert. Being up all day the previous day due to errands and concert prep and a really good book makes for one hell of an exhausting night.