So here i am. stuck off work...again. and all i get from my parents is "you'll never get to america at this rate" "You've got bills to pay" "what are you doing for money" "how can you do another job if you are ill allthe time" (The last one coming from the bloke who said my work was making me ill)
will have the scanner rigged up to show off the stuff i got from shirikdraguinea I absoloutely LOVE all of the art's you've done for me. and the xmas git just tops it off nicely ^__^
*Sigh* Just fucking greatBT now effectivly OWN plusnet. and despite all the bollocks about operating it as a separate entity i forsee bad thing coming -_
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Commissions arrived today *hugs you tight* And i love them. they arrived at the right time too. stupid boss has been havign a go at me agian so kinda depressed. but happier now ^__^
I'll get some good scans at some point and post them ^__^