Title: Come Undone
Fandom/Pairing: The Avengers, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Spoilers/Warnings: Is there anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet? Well, if not, this is a fix it. Eventually.
Rating: R
Summary: It was supposed to get easier, afterwards.
Previous Chapters:
DW //
LJ //
AO3 (
Chapter 8 )
Comments 2
Classic distraction technique, and we fell for it!!
Oh man, this is good. I was all nail-bitey with Phil during that battle, and it was very effective to do it in that format.
And Clint... *pets him* The Hulk probably smashed him up good ;o/
Oh, also, the image of Loki running his hand through Clint's hair like petting a dog - it's fabulous, almost as though it's a slo-mo scene in a frantic-paced movie
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