Title: Come Undone
Fandom/Pairing: The Avengers, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Spoilers/Warnings: Is there anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet? Well, if not, this is a fix it. Eventually.
Rating: R
Summary: It was supposed to get easier, afterwards.
A/N: 6 months later, Jen finally gets her act together...sorry for the massive delay! It's not
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Comments 3
Also, you're a librarian lady, right? Have you read Craig Johnson's Longmire series? The first one is fantastic! Seriously, it's been years since I've gotten into reading mystery stories. The show is good too- that's how I discovered the books, but the books are so much funnier! I've totally been cheating on all my other fandoms with this one. Doh!
Seriously, Satedan Grabass and the Leverage Big Bang kicked my ass this year. If you ever catch me contemplating writing another CYOA, murder me in the face. :)
Will see you in the comment section on your journal soon!
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