Title: In The Room Where You Sleep
Rating: G
Fandom/ Pairing: SGA Sheppard/Dex pre-slash
Summary: Ronon's still settling in on Atlantis, but he's not there yet.
A/N: Because
estefee, because I need to get this out before I get too distracted again, and also because of
this song.
Also available on
In The Room Where You Sleep )
Comments 8
you broke my heart in the best way, Jen!!!
Glad you liked, especially since it's your- well, not fault, but... you know what I mean. :)
I'm super stoked. Starting the SGA re-watch next weekend. Gonna learn how to crochet and veg out in the best possible way!
I'll always read your J/R no matter the rating and this didn't disappoint :D
And between this and my NC-17 fic I posted yesterday...I think we've got the guys covered. At least for a little while LOL.
So...Ronon's right where he's supposed to be, huh? Right in John's bed? Well, aside from my own, I'd have to agree, that's exactly where he should be (and never leave) *winks*
Thanks for putting a smile on my face today, hun, absolutely needed this ♥
Psst: Missed you :)
Glad you liked it! Everyone needs a Ronon in their bed!
And now I'm betting you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about. Sorry. Been neglectful of actually checking my lj notifications and am just getting caught up.
Happy new year!
Anyhow, happy new year, too!
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