Yes, I'm still alive. Just very busy with real life. LOL In May the Obrechts were proud to announce that Arianna Hayden was added to the household. She's now 5 months old and crawling and keeping mommy, daddy and her 3 big sisters VERY busy. ^^
This is a tricky eBay policy change that they have not bothered to notify anyone about (at least that's what I'm hearing, and I didn't hear anything about it either). Feel free to cross post this to any communities, personal sites or forums you feel appropriate
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These were taken last Saturday. We have an annual Raspberry Festival and we always have fireworks for it instead of for the 4th. Don't ask. We're assbackwards. But the Festival is usually around the 4th.
Ingredients: Cooking Spray (I use olive oil flavored)20 whole grain, saltine-like crackers pulsed to fine crumbs in a food processor. (about 1/2 cup
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She came into our world at 10:58AM on May 15. She weighed 7lbs 15oz and measured 21 inches in length. Mom and baby are doing very well. I will let Dawn post details from her point of view when she is released on Sunday. I would like to personally thank all of you for the support you have given Dawn. You have all been so great with your kind
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