ENG 510: Creative Writing Seminar: Children’s Literature (4) Karen Adams
A workshop course in the writing of imaginative literature for children - picture books, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction - with some study of published works in the appropriate genre.
ENG 527: Creating Picture Books for Children (4) Ashley Wolff
This class is for illustrators who write, writers who draw, and those wishing to try their hand at it for the first time. (will focus on shaping, pacing, detailing, and polishing pic bks... course book list includes Writing a Children's book, Illustrating Children's Books, Writing with Pictures, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Ch Books.
ENG 528: Children’s Book Artists (4) Kimberly Rhodes
The role of art in 19th, 20th, and 21rst British and American children’s literature; an examination of how artists interpret and reinterpret the text. Critical readings will draw from Ch Lit crit, but also from the fields of visual arts, film, narrative, post-colonial, reader-response, and feminist theories.
ENG 542: History and Criticism of Children’s Literature (4) Chip Sullivan
An introduction to British and American literature for children, from its roots in the oral tradition and medieval literature through 20th-century works. Required for all students. Offered every year.
ENG 545: Children’s Literature in Translation (4) J.D. Stahl
Is translated children’s literature a means of bridging cultural differences or of obscuring them? What survives in the process of translation, and what is the spectrum of choices along which translators of children’s literature must decide to place themselves? Knowledge of one or more languages besides English is desirable, but not necessary. Particularly focused on European children's books translated into English and available in Canada/US.
ENG 550 Sec I: Fairy Tales Transformed (4) Rhonda Brock-Servais
An study of fairy tales and ideology. We will study the history and development of the genre, common crit. interpretations, as well as revisions from both the 19th and the 20th centuries. The class will focus on the Cinderella story; other texts will be examined through student research and presentations.
ENG 550 Sec II: Advanced Critical Theory (4) Len Hatfield
poststructuralism, feminism, and multi-culturalism as those three school apply to Ch Lit
THE 550: Theatre for Young Audiences (4) Jonathan Dorf
Exploring the creation of plays designed for children, teens, and YA. While adapting other sources will be addressed, the emphasis is on the creation of original works for young audiences and youthful performers.
ENG 561: Genre Study in the Craft of Writing for Children: Forms of Fic (4) A. LaFaye
This craft analysis will examine the forms of a single genre, fiction, in depth. This reading based course also includes opportunities to apply the elements of craft in writing exercises. Can be taken for critical or creative credit. Prerequisite: ENG 510 or ENG 560 The Craft of Writing for Children (formerly ENG 550 Forms Analysis)
ENG 583: Advanced Writing Tutorial (4) Susan Campbell Bartoletti, A. LaFaye, H. Nolan TBA
Graduate tutorial seminar in the generation, examination, and interpretation of texts in children's literature in the light of literary history and theory with attention to the writing of the students in the class. The exact contents of any given seminar will be determined by the needs and interests of its members. ENG 583: Advanced Writing Tutorial (4) Staff
Graduate tutorial seminar in the generation, examination, and interpretation of texts in children's literature in the light of literary history and theory with attention to the writing of the students in the class. The exact contents of any given seminar will be determined by the needs and interests of its members. Limited to students in the M.F.A. program in children's literature.
MW 9-12: ENG 561 (Genre Study in Craft), ENG 528 (Ch Bk Illustrators)
MW 2-5: ENG 550II (Advanced Crit Theory), ENG 527 (Creating Pic Bks for Ch)
TR 9-12: ENG 545 (Ch Lit in Trans), ENG 542 (Hist and Crit Ch Lit)
TR 2-5: ENG 550I (Fairy Tales Transformed)
TR 6-9: ENG 510 (Writing Seminar)
WF 1-4: THE 550 (Theatre for Young Audiences)
(Make-up class date is 20 June for all M classes that will be canceled due to Orientation)