So, I figure I should write this here too. Just for kicks.
Last week, Spencer throws out his back at work. I keep telling him he's not 18 anymore, but he apparently still thinks he can lift like a million pounds. Basically, they were moving a machine up the stairs (him and one other technician), and he hurt himself in the process. The machine was eventually moved by four football players. Ha.
Anyway, we spend the evening in the ER. His MRI results show three torn muscles. Whoohoo!
Then, this week, we had much more fun.
Thursday morning I woke up and my whole body just burned. I was nursing what I thought might be a bladder infection but was drinking a lot of cranberry juice so things seemed to be getting better. BAD IDEA. I immediately woke up Spencer and said "I have to go the doctor NOW." Of course, student health couldn't take me until 10:00. :p
I went to student health, was given some antibiotics and sent on my way. Went back to work, took the medication, and just felt progressively worse throughout the day. By the time I got home, something was very, very wrong. It took some convincing from my aunt (nurse), but I knew I had to go to the ER. I'd never felt so sick in my life.
While at the ER, They kept telling me I didn't have a fever (but over 99 IS a fever for me, as my normal temp is barely 97), yet they had to throw 7, count them 7, blankets over me (and the fleece I brought) to keep me warm. I threw up when they drew my blood and was sickeningly nauseous until I convinced them to give me something for that... which they did, in the first of TWO full IV bags that I sucked dry. And after talking to 3 doctors, two nurses, and a med student (damn teaching hospitals), they believe me that this is serious and I am moved to a different wing... for a pelvic exam. Luckily, they spared me the catheter. @_@
At the end of the 5 and a half hours and upwards of 3 rooms, 12 blankets, and 15 pills (and doctors, seriously), I not only have a bladder infection, but a kidney infection, reacted badly to the first antibiotic given to me, AND they found evidence of an infection during the pelvic exam. Well, no wonder I feel like hell!
I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have Spencer with me. He stayed with me through everything, called my parents with updated information, and has been supportive and taken care of me ever since. And since its now Saturday night and I have spent less than an hour out of bed TOTAL since I came home at midnight on Thursday... that's being taken care of a lot. I feel so useless! I was finally able to eat more than Cheerios and applesauce this evening, so I have a bit more energy, but otherwise all I'm doing is sitting in bed. I can't do anything because I have very very little energy. But I'm bored to tears. I can't read because I can't focus, I get up and walk around and five minutes later I'm back in bed exhausted. Then I can't sleep well because I've been in bed all day. I'm just so sick of being sick, and I'm going to be stuck here for at least another day. This sucks.
I guess I just needed to vent to the anonymous world known as the internet. I really am very grateful that the infection didn't spread to my blood, at which point I would have REAL problems. And I am getting better, thank goodness, I'm just impatient waiting for my body to heal.
I swear my mattress is going to have a permanent indentation from this incident.