Title: Five Times Matt Met Misa by Accident
jengouPairings: Matt/Misa
Genre: Humour
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none.
Word count: 1,360
Disclaimer: Death Note isn't mine.
Acknowledgement: Written for
lumcheng's fic prompt ♥
Warning: Unbeta'd.
“Could you,” Matt bleated, “Could you just come out for a sec so I can go in and wash my hands?” )
Comments 24
Thank you so SO MUCH! <3333 ♥
Finally more Matt/Misa goodness, yay~
At the scene with Matt's burger I had to stop reading - because I laughed so hard ^^; Even my bunny gave me a weird glance XD~
And I think you pictured them really great. Matt thinking she's hot and wouldn't mind intimacy at all - and Misa being the trustful, lonely 'wife' *lol*
Actually such a sad love story ;_; They would make such an awesome couple T_T
and wtf - PEACH PRINCESS OUTFIT???? omg omg omg XD what was he planning with that, huh? XD
awww, thanks again, Jen, this was epic ♥♥♥
I very much agree now, they really would make a great couple. They'd probably look at fashion magazines together, and Misa might slap Matt around a bit for thinking she won't notice him looking at other girls under the goggles, but they'd have a great time I think.
Nyahahaha, that Princess Peach outfit is, uhhmmmm, for Mello :p I couldn't help injecting some Matt/Mello into it!
You're very welcome! If you've got any really good Matt/Misa fics, then let me know~
I have fic-requests from last summer on my to-do-list *shame on me*
awww @ slapping around *_* yeah, great times and great sex
aha!!! I knew it XD you know I love matt/mello to death XD so I'm happy about this XD
woah... just imagine - matt the bigamist, having partnership with mello AND misa and noone knows of the other *_*
*gets shot*
weeeeeell - I requested some matt/misa-fics @ dn_kink and got 2 fics - but I doubt you'd like them, since yeah... it's porn XD
Aaahahha, oh my god, I dunno, I have this problem with thinking about characters having sex... why brain, whyyyyyy. I think it might be because I feel like I'm invading their privacy too much, I'm so lame. No, you're right, I'd probably not like them ;_;
woah... just imagine - matt the bigamist, having partnership with mello AND misa and noone knows of the other *_*
*gets shot*Whoaaaaa. I like that. Like, Mello keeps flirting and Matt tries his best to ignore him. But they decided one day that they were going to fucking reLAX and see who is more lightweight, so they buy cases of beer and start drinking from 1 0 AM. Which leads to hijinks and Mello crawling onto Matt's lap, and Matt mumbles something, and Mello thinks Matt's saying, "Mello, it's my first time, be gentle," except it's really, "Mello, I'm sleeping with that girl who we think is the second Kira." And Mello would be pissed off but not that pissed ( ... )
Nyahaha, I couldn't help inserting some MelloMatt into this ^^;; By the way~ I wrote a retarded MelloMatt fic while you were in Spain, in case you have time etc :->
Matt/Misa is adorable XDDDD Not more than Mello/Misa but still *A*
sorry, i can't think of anything better to say. my brain just short-circuited from the awesome.
Don't wisecrack about this with other ppl and get your ass in my bed! ò.ó
I loved Matt's attempt to get Misa's attention, and I also liked Misa's sort of flirting attempts.
But seriously. What was that scene in the male's bathroom about?
I think Misa's personality is such that she's flirty by nature, but I tried to show that it went a teensy bit beyond that, maybe, in the fourth one :->
I-I don't know about the men's toilet either, nngggggh. MAKES NO SENSE TO ME EITHER, was kinda hoping people don't notice how weird it is, haha.
Thanks thanks thanks for the lovely comment!
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