I saw Order of the Phoenix today, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
OK, first of all, Harry done growed up! Also, DR is growing some acting chops. This movie felt more like a movie to me than just the retelling of a book, which I appreciated. I think I remember feeling that way about the last one, too.
I'm not entirely sure I would have followed everything had I not read the book, but, really, who hasn't read the book who goes to see these movies?? OK, probably some people, but still...
I love, love, loved the teaching of the dark arts scenes with Harry and the other kids. And, you know, the scene where they all met up and decided they'd start teaching themselves, I was kinda touched. I may have teared up a bit. Brave kids.
I also thought the showdown between Dumbledore and Voldemort had some chops to it. Like, their fight felt bigger and a bit more dangerous than the rest.
Oh! And the Weasley twins' grand exit was fantastic! Go on with your bad selves, boys. D'aww, the bit where they were comforting the wee crying boy after the evil Umbridge had hurt him. I do like me some Fred and George Weasley.
Here's a confession. I think once you don the slash goggles for anything, it's hard to stop seeing through them even when they're off. Or, at least for me it proves so sometimes. Because I swear to god, I had a hard time turning it off during the scenes with Harry and Sirius, and I DID NOT want to be thinking such things about those two AT ALL. Jack and Daniel? You bet. Harry and his godfather? No! Someone, please reassure me that I'm not insane. I mean, I don't read Harry Potter fic, so I don't read Harry Potter slash, and, yet, there I was. Yeesh.
The most surprisingly awesome thing about the movie to me? Luna Lovegood! I thought that was a fantastic performance, and I thought they used the character well in the movie.
I guess my only complaint, and it's not really a complaint, because I understand the constraints of time, is that so much of it went by so fast. I wanted to stay and revel some of the time, but that just wasn't possible. Ah, well.
In conclusion, yay movie!