Yeah, so, Ronon? The best ever!! OMG, he was so fabulous in that scene. All sweet and genuine. Love him more every second.
Elizabeth, yay! It looks like the TH will get to have herself some good fun being all replicator evil (I'm assuming). Maybe replicator good, who knows? But still, good for her for... still being employed.
John. Uh, yeah. Could you have been more of an ass to Teyla? Don't think so. Teyla is responsible for the risks she chooses, not you (I mean, OK, you're in charge of the team, but just because she has a hitchhiker doesn't mean you get to do that). Phttbt. Whatev, dude. Why did she not punch him in the face? Oh, right, because Ronon was being so awesome!!
As I said elsewhere, Rodney + long-suffering Wraith = comedy gold (I actually said silver, but I've upgraded).
Loved the twist of the Wraith (plural) stunning our team so they could have some alone time. I just - I loved that Wraith (singular) and all he brought to the show tonight. So entertaining. And kind of, you know, put our guys in their place a bit. Go, you, Blue.
Thoroughly enjoyed tonight's ep.
Oh, and loved Sam having Rodney's back, and I loved the "Hey, we're brilliant!" between Rodney and Sam when he was on the planet and she was on the ship.
Also, I just caught a comedian on Comedy Central named Finesse Mitchell, and some of his stuff was refreshingly funny. Some not so much, but I enjoyed him. Pluswhich, his name is Finesse.