Gaaack, bronchitis. That one sucks. Good that you're making yourself eat, though. Tropicana popsicles helped when I had pneumonia -- they're fruit juice, not just corn syrup, so you can pretend they're healthy, plus the ice is good for the coughing. Feel better soon!
Kintting! Yay! Knitting rocks! Hats are easy of you have the round knitting looms. There's also a great stich I learned recently...the drop stich. Instead of wrapping the yarn around the needle once before pulling it through, wrap it twice, then next time around only put your needle through one of the loops you made and let the other one fall.
Uh...yeah. It's a lot easier to show someone than to describe it.
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Uh...yeah. It's a lot easier to show someone than to describe it.
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