More Quizes

Dec 05, 2004 11:51

yeah i stole these from Clara btw...
Take the quiz: "Why do you cry?"

You have had a bad childhood
When you was a chil you might have been beaten up alot, ot always put down. or you lost your mom or dad, or both, and was moved to diffrent families and you dont know where you belong.

Take the quiz: "Whos your (rock) prince charming"

Marilyn Manson
congradulations u get the very creepy/sexy Marilyn Manson ... damn i envy u have fun with this one

Take the quiz: "Whos your punk BF?"

Tom DeLonge
Tom huh? Your super cool and meger funny you so should date tom! Together you could do silly things together like.....make fun of the kid next door!

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Darkness
Seductive and, whether it's ture or not, HOT! You don't mind using what you got to take advantage of people, and you know you got it. You don't care what people think of you and wear your sexual orientation on your sleeve. You are the second piece to the ultimate divine being, combining darkeness with light makes the world live.
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