fic: Castle -- Lonely Were the Shepherds

Jan 05, 2010 08:34

Crossposting to duplicate for archive purposes and reader convenience. This is the story I wrote for Yuletide Madness this year.

Fandom: Castle
Ratings warnings and pairings as the show.
Summary: Christmas Eve and family. (825 words)

A/N: It's apparent to the most casual observer that I include both 'born' and 'chosen' in my own idea of family, isn't it? )


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Comments 9

cluegirl January 5 2010, 15:04:01 UTC
I've only seen one episode of Castle, but that was enough to really enjoy this. Well done!


jenna_thorn January 5 2010, 19:48:58 UTC
It's a cute show. It hits my 'clever people speaking cleverly' kink hard enough to watch and actually so hard it's difficult to write for, quite honestly.

But the science is often not and I'd hate to be the DA with their cavalier attitude toward evidence handling.

Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it, though.


cincodemaygirl January 5 2010, 16:44:06 UTC
Hee. I am very amused from picturing the Sex Pistols and Dim Sum Christmas--I'd totally stay, too. ♥!

p.s. Most people call it AO3--you can stop bothering with the superscript!


jenna_thorn January 5 2010, 19:54:32 UTC
Whoops, I went looking for a link, and realized that the cd I was thinking of had the Ramones, not the Sex Pistols. well, we just won't tell Alexis she got it wrong. 8-)

I've seen AOOO and AO3 and a couple of people referring to hdrazka's werewolves, which is cute the first time, not so much the fortieth.


cincodemaygirl January 5 2010, 20:00:50 UTC
Oh, I actually love that Ramones song! But there's one I like even better, There Ain't No Sanity Clause by The Damned. I bet that is a good cd! Although there are no Vandals songs on it, which is a serious omission...

I mostly see AO3, and it's easiest, so I am going with that. I don't remember the werewolves thing, which tells you how much attention I am paying to the world these days since I do follow him. In what way is that meant to be used again?


jenna_thorn January 5 2010, 21:24:16 UTC
three years later and I still haven't burned a christmas disc and sent it to you like I promised. I don't have the Ramones song, though. Or, well, I might. It's been a while since I looked at the file. I got kind of caught up in stuff this year.

Werewolves = those who use AOOO because the Ah-Wooo! reminded him of the call from the song Werewolves of London.

Which is all well and good until I get the line about eating Chinese food with the queen caught in my head for a day and get cranky.


wraithgirl January 12 2010, 18:26:00 UTC
I adore Castle and all things Nathan Fillion.

This is a wonderful exploration of Martha's character. Living in a theatre town, I really appreciate her kind of drama. I wish we could spend more time with the supporting characters, even if it means less time with Nathan.


jenna_thorn January 12 2010, 19:39:07 UTC
I appreciate that they are trying hard to give us at least a line in each episode from the characters who aren't otherwise much part of the plot, like the bit at the very beginning of this week's show.

Mostly because his home life could so easily be marginalized in favor of the drama of the station and Martha and Alexis were what sold me on the show, because they humanize Castle, let Fillion show a softer side, and without that, the character really is a bit of a jerk.

Thanks for letting me know you read and enjoyed it.


wraithgirl January 14 2010, 01:43:14 UTC
I completely agree. Without the relationship with his daughter, Castle is a totally self-absorbed little boy. But when you see him with Alexis, you see a real person and they're so adorable! And Martha is the other side - the one that doesn't take him seriously and reminds him of who he really is.

Such an excellent show! And such excellent writing!


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