fiction: Whiskey

Mar 24, 2010 13:19

Whoops. I put a call out for prompts and my desk erupts in unpleasantness. That’ll lern me.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, I called for short fic or single scene requests and got a handful. I’m plugging away on them, but this one is first up.

For cluegirl : Remember that one you wrote about Sean Bean and Viggo Mortensen break into the props lot after ( Read more... )

not.on.skyehawke, fiction

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Comments 6

tenar10r March 24 2010, 18:32:05 UTC
*fans self!*


I win! jenna_thorn March 24 2010, 19:57:49 UTC


cluegirl March 24 2010, 18:48:41 UTC
WHEE!!! Oh, love it's PERFECT!

*Claps wildly!*


jenna_thorn March 24 2010, 20:04:33 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you like it.

Especially as I'm on revision six of a letter that eight different people are wanting to contribute their input to and draft forty kazillion of something really complicated and month four of a Big!Bang.

there's something to be said for instant gratification.


venivincere March 25 2010, 02:33:41 UTC
Ooomg I'm dead of the last line! *sighs*


jenna_thorn March 25 2010, 13:54:08 UTC

Well, not yay for ...oh you know what I mean.

*twirls you*


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