Title was the first thing that came to mind, which further brought to mind middle-school Sleater Kinney. How oddly appropriate? Woulda been more fitting 4 months ago I guess
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meant to respond to this a while ago... I'm not entirely sure what you consider your "core issue" but happy you're dealing with it now. You are a beautiful person and I have noticed that you seem healthier and happier and in general less focused on your weight over the past several months, at least on the LJ front. These are all great signs which mean a lot more than the number you see on the scale!!! I know it's a difficult change in perspective, and I wish you strength and luck :)
Thanks for the response =). For a while I was using LJ to sort-of "hold myself responsible," but I felt uncomfortable focusing my entries on weight like that. It's true that I thought about it a lot, but my entries did not reflect my effort, or my positive thinking, just that there was this huge negative boulder in my life, and that really wasn't the reality. So I'm chubby again, but yeah, I'm getting better and that's what matters more than a little superfluous and sometimes-annoying cushion. I felt okay before, but now I feel more and more beautiful all the time.
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