May 16, 2009 01:10

This is redundant, since my last post was about SNL. But the brilliance of Motherlover made me want to make a list of my top 15 favorite digital shorts. There are so many brilliant ones, I don't know how I can narrow it down. But I sure as hell will try!

15. The Shooting (Dear Sister) - ft Shia LaBeouf. Everyone shoots each other as Imogen Heap plays.
[I could not embed this :(]

14. Young Chuck Norris - A rock tribute to how awesome Chuck Norris was.

13. Lazy Sunday - A rap about going to see Chronicles of Narnia.

12. Dick in a Box - ft. Justin Timberlake. What every girl wants for Christmas.

11. Roy Rules - Andy sings a song about how much he likes his brother-in-law.

10. Iran so Far - ft. Adam Levine and Jake Gyllenhaal. Andy serenades Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran.

9. Extreme Challenge - Andy and Kristin compete in the ultimate contest of tasks.

8. Andy's Dad - ft. Jonah Hill. Jonah confesses that he is dating Andy's dad.

7. Everyone's a Critic - ft. Paul Rudd. Paul creates some beautiful art.

6. Jizz in my Pants - ft. A lot of random people I don't really know. I don't think I need to explain this.

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5. Like a Boss - ft. Seth Rogen. I don't think I need to explain this either.

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4. Ariel and Efrim (My Testicles)- ft. Tom Hanks. A wonderful, paranoid 90's song about testicles being injured.

3. Motherlover - ft. Justin Timberlake and Susan Sarandon. Two sons give their moms the ultimate mother's day gift.

2. Natalie Raps - ft. Natalie Portman. She raps about her badass lifestyle.

1. I'm on a Boat - ft. T-Pain. No words can describe this masterpiece.

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snl, videos

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