Right! So I'm all doing the grad school thing. Like full time. I want my free time back >.> I s'pose I'll get used to it. I'm just glad I got two kitties, because I'm hardly ever home, and I'm busy when I am ^^; Poor kitties have to be evil to each other
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Soooo... apparently kitties like brownies. Thankfully neither of them yarked anywhere ~
Anywho! I'm back in Gainesville, chillin' in my apartment. Which has termites. Pictures will be posted once the digicam is back home where the compy it belongs to is. One of these days I'll get myself a digicam
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I gots me a kitty! And then mom decided to get a second for the house, so we picked out two kittens from the same litter. 2 months old, mine's the boy ~ black collar ~ Murphy. Family's keeping the girl ~ purple collar ~ Rowan.
Right, been a year, here's another post. Info on two new shows airing the pilot tonight, both at 10pm. Yes, right after the new Lost & Criminal Minds, which is right after the new Bones. Who needs a life Wednesday night
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Mostly listing new ones here. Any and all new reality shows and sitcoms are not on this list (since I personally dislike them). And blame CBS for not giving me premiere dates ~ I'm assuming it's one of the two weeks all the other shows are coming out
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Dude, whoa. War of the Worlds is an absolutely africkin'mazing movie. If you haven't seen it yet, go do so. Now. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen (blinking optional), my dad jumped every two seconds, and my sister tried to crawl into my lap. So good
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A friendly reminder that the deadline for consolidating your loans to lock in the low interest rate is in two days. Rates on your loan will be going up like jeebers when it hits July
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After 45 minutes of freaking out, jostling my furniture, unplugging my compy so I could move it, wanting to call Kate but being unable to seeing as her phone numbers on my (unplugged) computer, and wishing I had bug spray
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