Still need a job. Goodlife is calling me back sometime this week so hopefully they'll say something along the lines of "We've been waiting for someone like you to apply!" and tell me I start Monday. I'm also still in touch with my old co-op supervisor from the London Free Press; she works at an online paper now and said I could write for them if I
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Comments 5
I can't believe that's an actual Donald Trump DOLL.
You know what you three need to do? You need to come to Toronto and pose with that doll in front of the Donald Trump Towers when they're finally built.
Thats cool that you can keep up with your writing during the summer with that online thingy *2 thumbs up*
MR BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that rocks hardcore :D
The Donald!!! hahahaha
Jean-Boot! Ahaha! I haven't heard that in ages.
Also.. Goodlife would be an awesome and not very annoying place to work.. but you still need a job at blockbuster because FREE DVDS.. plus you could set TamTam up and get her fired or something!
haha my dad called blockbay the other day because mike made us have overdue movies and we didn't know what they were.. and when my dad called he was like "Hi Tammy, Jim here.." and kept talking. i laughed on the inside because it was TamTam.
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