A friend of mine from work used to have ear aches/infections all the time and the nurse told her to pour a little rubbing alcohol into her ear. The alcohol evaporates the moisture. Try that with ingrid_m's advice above. Hopefully it'll help.
This is a home remedy, but I've done it loads of times...
Buy some tea tree oil from the store. Dilute it and put some of the diluted solution on a q-tip. Swab it in your ear as far as you can go in without hurting yourself...tea tree oil kills the bacteria.
Awww hun, I'm sorry. I was earache hell earlier this year, too. I don't have any spiffy remedies to suggest, but here's *big hugs* that I hope it quits soon!
Man, all I can say is finish the antibiotics, and if that doesn't do it, you'll have to get someone to look at it. There're so many things that can cause earache, it's hard to narrow it down.
I read everyone else's comments, and I don't have any medical kinda advice. And, I guess this is an old wive's tale as they say, but my gram always swore when her and her brother's were little, their dad would blow cigarette smoke in their ears. Yea, I know it sounds weird, but when I had them, she always made my aunt do that to me and I guess it seemed to work. *shrug* I hope everything works out, but if it lasts too long, the safest bet is to head to the doctor. :) :)
Comments 19
Buy some tea tree oil from the store. Dilute it and put some of the diluted solution on a q-tip. Swab it in your ear as far as you can go in without hurting yourself...tea tree oil kills the bacteria.
*hugs* Hope it gets better.
Either way more *hugs* for you!
Oh, and here's an article I found on it -- http://www.azcentral.com/news/columns/articles/0119clay0119.html
*lol* That's all the strange & weird wive's tales that I have for you today. :)
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