I have today off, which is something of a miracle because I also have Christmas off. Two holidays off in a row is kind of unheard of, especially when you're new but I'm not complaining. Especially since I have to work four days in a row starting tomorrow. FOUR DAYS. That sucks when it's 12 hour days
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I'm back from Vegas and it was exhausting. I lost money, naturally, though not any more than I had budgeted. I was tempted on the last day we were there to hit the ATM and lay it all on roulette in a grand attempt to win everything back. But I didn't. Restraint and what not
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Sports have been good to me lately. The Gators were awesome yesterday, the Bears (my second favorite NFL team) are kicking complete and total ass AND taking names while doing it, and the Eagles have started strong today against the Sucks. I mean the Cowboys. Hopefully the Eagles will remember there are 4 quarters in the game... and as I'm typing
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I have had a very enjoyable three day weekend. I'm still in orientation at work tomorrow and it's very very boring so I don't want to go back. ::sigh:: I just want to start working the regular hours on my job (12 hour days, 3 days a week). This 8-4, 5 days a week thing sucks. (Even though this week it's only 4 days it still sucks
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We had the first Gator game last night and I met up with the folks from my softball league and by the end of the night we got silly. It was fun. Though my throat is killing me this morning, I think from too much screaming. Ahh well. It's the price I pay to be a good fan, I guess
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