Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What planet should
ankhanu be from? Earth
2) What do you agree with
laidtowaste_ about? EVERYTHING.. I don't know, we don't really talk all that much to disagree
3) One quality you find attractive in
ankhanu? His feet
4) Is
andr007 your best friend? Since he sent me winning coffees he is
5) Do
greenlemonade and
bluemo go to the same school? No
6) Is
christineisrad related to you? I would say we're about the same relaxation level
7) Is
ankhanu dead sexy? hahaha he sure is
8) How long would
christineisrad dating
andr007 last? not very long I suppose...
9) Would you set up
christineisrad and
bluemo? In a heartbeat
10) How would
manadarose kill
laidtowaste_? With a spatula covered in iodine
11) Thoughts on
bluemo? She looks pretty with blonde hair
12) What is
andr007's favorite game? bowling of any sort
13) Would
ankhanu be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
14) Where would
hurl_e_y most like to visit? mars
15) What exotic animal would
susanator like as a pet? A python
16) What do you disagree with
christineisrad about? the weather
17) Does
destilanis have a big secret? TONS
18) Would
laidtowaste_ and
ankhanu look good together? I don't think so
19) Is
scottmoore introverted or extroverted? concave
20) If
destilanis took over the world, who would suffer? my mother?
21) Have you flirted with
hurl_e_y? hah no, he's a cutie though
22) If
andr007 and
hurl_e_y were spliced together, what would be its name? Ryandrewan
23) What is
laidtowaste_'s shoe size? 7
24) What is
aspenjade's biggest flaw? she just doesn't knwo when to SHUT THE HELL UP! :p
25) Did
ankhanu break up with you? *sniff* I don't want to talk about it
26) Is
andr007 friends with
scottmoore? I don't even remember if they ever met
27) What is
scottmoore allergic to? Having a working spine
28) What would
susanator give
hurl_e_y for his/her birthday? a scarf
29) Are
susanator and
manadarose going steady? Yes, they are in love
30) What is
scottmoore's favorite band/artist? Yanni
31) What would
aspenjade think of
hurl_e_y? I suppose the average person
32) What video game does
hurl_e_y remind you of? excite bike
33) Is
greenlemonade a high school student? no
34) What mental disorder does
andr007 remind you of? The tables have turned! ..Tuberculosis
35) What is
scottmoore's favorite color? red?
36) Does
ankhanu know
christineisrad? yes, I think
37) Which president would
ankhanu be likely to idolize? Me, if I were president
38) When did you last call
laidtowaste_? never
39) What word best describes
manadarose? smallpox
40) What would you do if
scottmoore died? call dibbs on his stuff
41) Does
ankhanu drink? he has a very occassioanl drink
42) Would you make out with
ankhanu? haha, no
43) Is
destilanis an emo? ahahaha not as emo as me
44) Where was
laidtowaste_ born? in a hospital
aspenjade's eye color? green?
46) How tall is
greenlemonade? shorter than me I think
47) Would you wrestle
hurl_e_y in jello? Oooh of course
48) Is
laidtowaste_ athletic? I've never see her play any kind of sprts but I bet that she could kick my ass
49) If
destilanis took over the world, who would be happy? Laurie would
50) If
susanator were hanging off a cliff, what would
aspenjade do? I suppose be the good samitan and help her up
51) Does
ankhanu go to your school? no
52) Are
susanator and
christineisrad going out? hahah no
53) What song/movie would you recommend to
laidtowaste_? Son in Law
54) What animal does
susanator remind you of? I've been asked this question before... remeber when I said walrus? hahah that was funny
55) If
bluemo was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Walmart
56) Does
ankhanu smoke? no
57) If
laidtowaste_ and
susanator were siamese twins, where would they be joined? head
58) Has
christineisrad been to your house/dorm? yes she has!
59) Does
bluemo travel a lot? I know she has to travel to new glasgow to get her teeth looked after
60) Does
andr007 have a dog? yes, Flyer
61) How many monkeys could
andr007 fight at once and win against? 4 medium or 3 large
62) Do you have
ankhanu's screenname? Yes?
63) Have you ever dated
ankhanu? No
64) Is
scottmoore single? no
65) Could you see
hurl_e_y and
scottmoore together? I bet Christine would be angry
66) Is
laidtowaste_ 1337? teh 1337357
67) If
ankhanu had a superpower, what would it be? To call on the powers of the insects of the universe as his minions
68) Would
bluemo and
hurl_e_y make a good couple? these questions are dumb... who cares?
69) One thing you can't stand about
ankhanu? His feet
70) If
susanator commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? robots
71) Do you think
hurl_e_y is hot? oh for sure
72) Does
manadarose have a crush on
ankhanu? No.. I don't think they have ever met
73) If
christineisrad and
bluemo were spliced together, what would it be like? It woudl be like christinemo
74) What would you do if you found out
hurl_e_y has a crush on you? I would buy him a cake and let him down nice
75) What color should
laidtowaste_ dye their hair? maroon
76) Which of your friends should
aspenjade go out with? Clayton?
77) Is
christineisrad related to
andr007? no
78) Would
destilanis go out with
greenlemonade? I think she would, I don't know if Erin would be up for that though
79) Where was
ankhanu born? in a hospital
80) What is
ankhanu's favorite movie? Power Rangers the Movie
greenlemonade's hair color? brown
82) Has
scottmoore dyed their hair? He died it blue once
83) Does
christineisrad do drugs? oh ALL the time, she can't get enough
84) Is
destilanis in a relationship? No
85) What languages does
scottmoore speak? english
86) Where did you first meet
ankhanu? outside UCCB bookstore
87) What animal should
hurl_e_y be combined with? a sheep
88) Is
laidtowaste_ a college student? I dont think
89) Do you have a crush on
scottmoore? eeeewww gross, no!
90) Is
bluemo popular? She's popular in my heart
91) Are
laidtowaste_ and
destilanis married? Yes, it was a beautiful ceremony
92) How would
laidtowaste_ conquer the world? With hair extensions
93) What would
manadarose do differently in your shoes? have more pets
94) How long have you known
christineisrad? 3 years?
95) What is
ankhanu's favorite food? chicken?
96) Would you ever date
ankhanu? I don't think so, sorry Clayton!
97) What flavor of jello would
greenlemonade be? Green!
98) What rank would
andr007 have in a giant robot army? General Manager
99) What comic book character would
scottmoore be? Spine Boy
100) Is
susanator a nerd? hahaha, she's the biggest nerd know, she even went to nerd school