yeah...i promised someone that i would finish all my college shit today, and do most of my homework. i intend to do that, when i'm done with this. i haven't filled one of these fuckers in soo long....damn josh tom for posting one. i do have better things to do, but i'm enjoying this more at the moment so i'll do this first. :D
1. What is your full name? jennifer li chin
2. Nicknames? jenn..thats pretty much the only one that people call me...but there's other ones if you know what i mean, and i'll keep those to myself..its nothing dirty dont worry ;)
3. B-day: march 26
4. Age: 17
5. Sex: girl
6. Social Security: ....yeah
7. Where do you live? by sarah
8. What school do you attend? inglemoor
11. Righty or Lefty: right
9. Siblings and their ages?: brendan 6, alexander 3
10. Zodiac Sign: aries...but someone was talking about how our signs have changed in the last...30 years? so i'm like a pisces now or something cause the stars have shifted..i dunno. fuck that i'm an aries..i'm a RAM YEAH!!
*********YOUR LOOKS*********<---devilishly good looks that is
12. Haircolor: blackis/brownish
13. Height: 5'3.5"
14. Do u wear contacts or glasses? both
15. Do you have any piercings? yes
16. Where do you want more? more in my ears....tongue? i dunno..thats kinda ho-ish, maybe my belly button.
17. Do you have a tattoo? not yet...come march 26, 2005, oh you betta watch OWT!
18. If so what and where? you'll see
19. Do you wear any rings? when i remember to
20. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? no?
**********JUST LATELY***************
21. How are you today? sloth
22. What pants are you wearing right now? sweats...
23. What shirt are you wearing right now? um..."MONO", and a sweatshirt
25. What does your hair look like at the moment? flippy?
26. What song are you listening to right now? nothing, sadly. i was, but the cd stopped and i'm too lazy to start it again
27. What was the last thing you ate? pie....
28. How is the weather right now? i dunno, cold?
29. Last person you talked to on the phone? tristan
30. Last Dream you can remember: me, my "family", tristan, i think captain, and some other people were like...illegal immigrants looking for work as manual labor...and we were in some parking lot waiting for the job people to come tell us what to do...i dunno. how about ninjas and churro sticks..yeah
31. Who are you talking to right now? myself...
************MORE ABOUT YOU****************
32. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 1234
33. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be? robin's egg blue!
34. Have you ever almost died? sure...why not
34. What makes you laugh? certain people, and funny stuff
35. What's the next CD you are going to buy? i dont buy cd's...psh
36. What religion/denomination are you? i worship your ass
37. What's the best advice ever given to you? ..i can never remember
38. Have u ever won any special awards? yeah!
39. What are your future goals? to be happy
40. Do you like to slow dance? depends on who i'm dancing with :)
41. What's one of the stupidest thing u ever done? way too much to count...i say a lot of stupid stuff too..
42. What's your favorite memory? i dont pick favorites..sorry
43. change one thing about yourself: i wish i could be happier with myself and what i have...yeah i'd probably change my legs a bit...:P
44. How many kids do you want to have? 62983493029869019283 billion, or maybe just 0-3
45. Sons names? brutus...or horatio!
46. Daughter's names? uh...lafonda, or shaniqua
47. Do you do drugs? psh....
48. What kind of shampoo and conditioner: i like dove...and pantene..and herbal essence sometimes. right now im using like..finesse or soemthing
49. What sport do you hate the most to play? um...sports?
50. What are you most scared of? rape (especially violent rape), spiders, natural disasters, getting cut open alive, getting buried alive...
51. How many TV's do you have in your house? 2...and my mom broke one of them
52. Do you have your own TV? used to..until my mom broke our main tv
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? sometimes...
54. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? nope
55. Who do you dream about? life
56. Who do you tell your dreams to? certain people
57. Who's the loudest friend you have? captain
58. Quietest Friend? uh..dunno. my invisible friend?
59. Who's the funniest friend? everybody has thier moments
60. Who's the weirdest friend? me
61. Who's your favorite friend to talk to online? i dont really talk to a lot of people online enough to know...probably my other screen name
62. Is cheerleading a sport? sure why not...nah actually no
63. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 3+a bite
64. Which came first the chicken or the egg? eggs are chicken periods...ewww!
65. What vehicle do you wish to have? a nice litte black mercedes, or bmw, or anything really. god damnit i want a car! oh! or a pink truck.
66. How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: hold on...yeah 19
******YOU & LOVE*******************
67. Do you believe in Love? i do
68. Do you have a crush? maybe...;D
69. Who is your crush? all that matters is that he knows
70. Do you believe in love at first sight? no, at least not yet
71. Where do you want to get married? wherever he wants, and if i like it too
72. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? everywhere
73. What is the most important thing he/she has? me in his heart
74. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? probably appearance..but that is the absolute first thing you notice about anyone...and it doesn't determine what i feel about them
75. Longest crush: a few years...
76. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? the man i fall in love with, probably my husband
****ON GUYS(for people who prefer men)****
79.Curly or straight hair: i've liked both...i kinda like straight though..which is ironic cause i've been with several curly haired guys in the past couple years
80. Dark or light hair: dark..usually, but it doesnt matter
81. Tall or short: taller than me
82. Six pack or muscular arms: a little bit of both, but not too much of either
83. Good or bad guys? good with a bad streak..but still good overall
84. Hat or no hat: as long as its not a hat on everyday, i'm fine. and as long as the hat comes off when it needs to....;)
85. Ears pierced or not: whatever
86. Tan or no tan: i LOOOOOVVEEE deep bronzed men, i hate whities!! haha. actually i dont care. it depends on the person and whatever suits him best. sometimes paper white is the way to be....;P
87. Totally shy, or octopus arms? uh...neither. i tend to like the shyer ones long as he's not toooo shy that he'll never ever talk to me or like..shits his pants if he touches me or somehting
88. Stubble or neatly shaved? i like the neatly shaved, but we cant always help the stubble can we?
89. Rugged or sporty? i dont really get the difference...i dunno
90. Studly or cutie: CUTIE!!!
91. Accent or not: not, but a little playful accent here or there is fine...and fun..and cute
92. Glasses? not
93. Smart or dumb? dumbsmart is good for me
94. What sport should he play? me
95. Dependent (whipped) or independent: independent but aware of my feelings/needs, and nice. i wouldnt want a whipped guy..thats not right.
****ON GIRLS(for people who prefer women )***hehehe...i'll answer this
96. Sandals or thongs? as in shoes? i call them flip flops.
97. Painted nails or not: whichever
98. Dark or blonde hair: i like the dark, and i like the blonde
99. Long or short hair: long..usually
100. Curly or straight hair: straight
101. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: cRazyKoOL all the way baby!
102. Long or short nails: in between
103. Hat or no hat?:
104. Good or bad girl: good and bad
105. Hair up or down: i like it down usually, but up can be hot
106. Jewelry or none: just enough
108. Accent or no accent: no
109. Pants or dress: realllly really tight pants or reaaallly s hort dresses...haha. i dunno both. i like pants, but the occasional dress can be nice
110. Tan or fair: depends.
111. Glasses: nope
112. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: depends on the chick and whichever's hotter
113. Freckles or none: doesn't matter
114. Shy or outgoing: i dont really care.
115. Funny or always cool: funny..?
116. Talkative or shy: both? um...talkative?
*****Pick One: THIS OR THAT***********
117. Lights on/off: off
118. Sun or rain? i love the sun, but you need the rain sometimes
119. email or snail mail? i would love to get a real mail sometime in my life..that would be fantastic.
120. Do u like scary or happy movies better? happy, but scary ones if there's someone to make me un-scared
121. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?: uh...
122. On the phone or in person? in person
123. Paper or plastic? paper AND plastic..hehe bitches.
124. Sausage or pepperoni?: pizza...i dunno. depends on my mood.
125. Summer or winter? summer
126. Hugs or kisses? both are nice..hugs and kisses
127. Chocolate or white milk? usually white..choco is yummy for a treat
128. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? root beer
130. CD or Tape: cds are better in many ways
131. Tape or DVD? dvd..
132. Cats or Dogs? awww...i ♥ puppies!!! i'm a dog girl...but kitties are cute. just not as good as dogs usually
133. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: can eat i'll have to go with that
134. Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla for the most part
137. Cake or pie: pie...mmmmm
138. Diamond or pearl: ice ice baby...i dont like pearls.
139. Sunset or sunrise: sunsets...but they're both beautiful. one thing though, which i'm gonna have a lot of trouble explaining, about why i dont like sunrises as much is because it really means that your day is over, and you have to stop what you're doing and start a new day. like..if you're out with someone(s), a sunset means you still have all night, and you never want that night to end...but when the sun starts to come up it means its over and you have to leave...i dunno.
****************YOUR FAVS*******************
140. Color: red, black, pink! oh and white...sometimes silver...and turquoise.
141. food: meat and potatoes...and pie...and donuts....and candy...mmmm food
142. Fast Food: dunno..i'm a mcdonals girl, i'm sorry for all u guys that hate mcdonalds
143. Candy: starbursts (and starburst jelly beans!), twix, 100 grand, candy...
144. Beverage: a lil drink...
145. Ice Cream Flavor: sherbet (w/vanilla ice cream sometimes)...i dunno. cookie dough...i just dont like chocolate ice cream
146. Sport: sports??? haha
147. Sports team: ...yep
148. Animal: pandas (josh put that, i had to leave it in) animals are so much better than humans...i can't chose. i like puppies, kitties, turtles, pandas, snakes, anything..especially furry cuddly things
149. type of music? a wide variety
150. movies? pornography..just i dunno. i like a lot of movies usually
151. Song: :( stop asking me favorite questions i cant answer them!!!!
152. group: ahhhhh!
153. number: whats the point in having a favoirite number??...i dunno i like nubmers that end in 5 or 9.
154. Actor or Actress? hot ones, i dunno.
155. day of the year? ...
156. month? august, maybe july, or october...
157. TV show: i pretty much only watch alias regularly..i really couldn't tell ya. i dont watch tv that much.
158. Store: i like the mall...or target..rite aid..safeway..psh fuck if i know
159. Scent: fabric softener..or baking
160. Board Game: monopoly?
***********HAVE YOU EVER********
161. Dated someone for money/things? no..wait it depends on what you mean by "things"...because that could be anything. of course i would date a person for "things"...if by things you meant him
162. Loved someone so much it made you cry? i dont know if it was love..and if it was yes
163. Drank? just a bit...
164. Been kissed? yes
165. Ever gotten dumped? yes
166. Broke the law? on occasion...i think i steal too much...sorry, and deal too much coke...
167. Ran from the cops? um..i dont think so
168. Stole something? see question #166
169. Tried to kill yourself? nah
170. Made yourself throw up? i didnt really work that well.
171. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? i tried that too..and it didnt really work too well either
172. Given anyone a bath? captain..
173. Bungee jumped? no
174. Went skinny dipping? i think
*********** What Comes to Mind ***************
175. Water: ice
176. Blue: skies
177. Rock: hard
178. Cat: kittie!
179. Red: socks
180. Cow: boy
181. Socks: i'll rock your socks off!!!
********* What's Worse? **************
182. Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you? barfing on them...that would be horrible
183. Being stranded on a deserted island with no one, or being stranded
on a deserted island with someone you hate? depends on how serious the situation was, if i was in serious danger i would rather have someone there, even if it was some one i hate. there's always the possibility for change, and it can be helpful. unless they were a truly evil person...
************* A FiNaL NoTe*******************
184. Who would you like to be locked in a room with? someone..if the door was locked both ways ;)
185. Who would you hate being locked in a room with? ...i really would rather not say
186. Do you like filling these out?: its like a drug...
188. Do u want your friends to fill out? whatever, if they want to.
189. Who is least likely to read? um..people i dont know that dont read this?
190. Who is most likely to read? people that read this...i dunno.
191. Any other comments? i should be applying to college..ditto