
Sep 24, 2003 15:31

i just suck. i've figured it out...i just do. i don't get it. why do i always hook up my friends...but never find anyone myself. what the hell is wrong with me? i dont get it. i just figured out i suck at life. i mean i didn't even pass my fucking audition...what is wrong. i don't even know. i need help like seriously. no one is right. everyone i ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

dramaqueendiva3 March 29 2004, 20:01:35 UTC
Hey Jen...it's Nicole...aka Toast/Touch Me/the crazy alumni...I saw your post on the KKPsi page and stopped in...you need to update girl! ;-)


jennivere March 30 2004, 05:27:00 UTC
wow that was from awhile ago. i've updated since then...oh my journal is friends only now. i'll add you if you add me back. (that actually was written like 2 days before i started dating chris. lol)


hellosofine April 7 2004, 12:40:34 UTC
Auditions suck. They're no fun. Don't be sad because you didn't do well, most people don't (unless they're like... musical Ghandi's, like me, of course.) My good friend didn't get into music school at her college auditions and is now going to music prep school for the next year and trying again. No fret!


hellosofine April 7 2004, 12:41:32 UTC
Oh wow. this post was done like... in September. I'm a loser.


jennivere April 8 2004, 06:44:46 UTC
hey i really could've used that advice like in september. lol. well, I decided that music would be for fun and not my career. it also doesnt help that the clarinet teacher is a bitch! but we won't talk about that. lol. just a question have you been reading any recent posts from me cause this one is very old. you should be able to read them cause you're on my friends list.


hellosofine April 8 2004, 08:02:56 UTC
I know. I just clicked your journal from my friends list and I didn't bother logging in. So I just saw that post and I was like, "Aw, Music problems! I can sympathsize!"


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